The birth of Diario de Los Andes, a momentous event in Trujillo journalism: 46 years of history, how can we forget that day! | By Francisco Graterol Vargas

By Francisco Graterol Vargas

Thank God for allowing me to write these lines. On August 24, 1978 The clock was almost 4 in the afternoon when, in a facility in the “Carmen Sánchez de Jelambi” Industrial Zone, a momentous event in the history of regional journalism took place. The birth of Diario de Los Andes. Carlos Andrés Pérez, Head of State, accompanied by the Governor of Trujillo, Pedro José Olmos and other executive officials, presided over the ceremony, where César Gavidia, a Colombian veteran in the graphic arts, started up the Goss Community brand rotary press acquired to make the newspaper where editions from the states of Trujillo, Táchira and Mérida would later be printed. The Bishop of Trujillo, Monsignor José León Rojas Chaparro, was in charge of blessing the event. That was a great joy for everyone.

The Muchacho family, headed by Don Pepe and Doña Consuelo, and their children, José Jesús “Chuchi”, Eladio, Consuelito, Blanca, Hilarión and Ramón were among the hosts. How could we forget Aníbal Miranda, the first director of DLA; Miriam Ruiz, administrator; Aníbal Mendible from the advertising department; Guillermo Montilla, Guillermo Torres and Eduardo Viloria, pioneering journalists; and Dr. Raúl Díaz Castañeda, who has been with us since the genesis of DLA as a cartoonist, poet, writer and columnist; Nelson Maya and Gregorio González, photographers; Geovanni Pérez, layout designer; and Blanca Nieves Villalobos, from the maintenance department.

The son of José La Rosa and Doña Enma had already turned 28 years old. I was assigned to the news and sports sources. After two months, “I went on strike”: News or sports? I stayed at the source I had cultivated, alternating it with positions alongside EMU as Head of Information and Editorial Manager.

On the occasion of an anniversary, EMU spoke about the changes in DLA.

I have shared with several generations of journalists such as Guillermo Montilla, Rafael Angel Lujano, Regulo Jimenez, Antonio Perez Carmona, Jesus “Chucho” Romero Anselmi, Julio Urdaneta, Nestor Vielma, Luis Gonzalez, J. J. Pena Pena, Oscar Pinero, Gilberto Matheus, Omar Buznego, Mario Mc Evoy, Jorge Sulbaran, Pedro Juarez, Doris Viloria, Valentin Garcia Medina, Alfonso Toledo, Manuel Acevedo Rivas, Elvins Gonzalez and Frank Graterol, who have already gone to the House of the Lord, along with Onesimo Caracas, Narciso Rondon, Arnaldo “El Gato” Medina photojournalists.

Aníbal Miranda, first director, and a long list of more than 100 journalism professionals who have passed through DLA, to the current champions who shine with their own light in the digital age under the leadership of Layisse Cuenca and Alexander González with Raixi Díaz, Ever Garcés, Gabriel Montenegro, José Rojas, Douglas Abreu, Eduardo Viloria, Karley Durán, Cecilia Menghini, Hebert Carrizo, Mayra Linares, Yuliana Palmar, Fabiola Leal, Andrea Briceño, Miguel Ángel Albarrán, José Leonel Pineda, Karen Briceño, among others, and colleagues from Táchira and Mérida.

Without a doubt that Trujillo journalism can be divided between a before and after the birth of our publishing house. The most important event in Trujillo journalism.

Here I am until the Almighty allows it and very proud of the litter of good journalists, men and women who make the digital version possible with the great Magellan captain at the helm, now with better vision, Eladio Muchacho, to whom I wish long years of life because he is the soul and spirit of this publishing company that reaches its 46 years old and those missing…

Praise the Lord.


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2024-08-24 18:57:20



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