The best weather comes in the north, but shorts are still for the brave

The best weather comes in the north, but shorts are still for the brave

If we are to believe the meteorologist, the vast majority of people can wait a little longer to find their summer clothes.

– We are in a period that is relatively calm, but cool, says meteorologist Eirin Ristesund at the Meteorological Institute to NTB.

She says that the very nicest weather in the next few days will be found in the north.

– Here, the low temperatures will continue, but it is not something most northerners complain regarding, because the weather is actually brilliant. The fine weather applies to most of Northern Norway, but the best weather is probably Nordland and Troms, she says.

According to Ristesund, temperatures will drop towards the minus side, but lots of sun can speed up the snow melt. But it will, so to speak, be free of precipitation through the weekend and the start of next week – this applies to the entire country.

Uncertainty starts to set in towards Monday. Then there is low pressure activity that can cause precipitation, but it is not much in any case. The worst news in the north is that there may be some snow showers in Eastern Finnmark on Thursday and Friday – but they won’t make much of an impact here either.

– There are generally terrible conditions in Northern Norway, but still temperatures that are more reminiscent of winter than spring, says Ristesund.

The weather loser

– If we are to single out a weather loser this weekend, it will be Trøndelag and Møre and Romsdal, says Ristesund.

Admittedly, it looks good towards the weekend. It will turn around towards Saturday – then northerly winds and showers will move in.

– There are sleet showers and rather cold air coming towards the coast of Trøndelag and Møre og Romsdal. It is especially south of the Trondheimsfjorden and down to Stad that it can be really pig weather on Saturday, says the meteorologist.

Sunday will clear up, but according to the meteorologists, temperatures will remain low – and towards next week there will once more be chances of rain or sleet.

– On Saturday, it looks reasonably deplorable for Trøndelag and Møre og Romsdal. But following that it clears up, but the temperatures … the shorts are for the brave, so to speak, she says.

There may be 20 centimeters of snow

For the rest of the country, it is full of contrasts – with the possibility of too much snow in Agder and the risk of grass and heather fires in Eastern Norway.

On Thursday, a low pressure will snow the coast of Southern Norway, which will bring some rain south of Bergen and in Eastern Norway. This may lead to the possibility of some snow, especially in the interior of Agder.

– It looks like there might be between 10 and 20 centimeters of snow between Thursday and Friday. The big question is whether it gets cold enough to settle down, or whether it melts right away. Here we are completely in borderland, says Ristesund.

In the big cities in Southern Norway, this will come as rain – it is inland and up in the mountains that there are good opportunities for snow, and then we are talking around Setesdal and in the mountains.

Danger of grass and heather fires

In the coastal areas of Vestfold and the outer Oslofjord, there will probably be some rain, but it seems that Oslo is coping with most of the precipitation.

– In Oslo and the rest of Eastern Norway, it seems that it will be relatively dry, but with a cloudier type of weather than they get further north, says the meteorologist, who says that in these areas you will have completely different problems than what you get in the interior district of Agder.

The biggest danger is that it becomes so dry that the danger of grass and heather fires can begin to manifest itself.

– The snow has disappeared, and the old vegetation has started to emerge. When the sun gets to work on it, it dries quickly – and if it first catches fire and it’s a bit windy, it can spread quickly, says Ristesund.

Then it is worth remembering that the general fire ban started on 15 April – and lasts until 15 September.

#weather #north #shorts #brave
2024-04-18 23:05:34



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