The best way to breathe (Jean-Marie Defossez)

2024-01-25 09:21:18

Home > To read… or not > The best way to breathe (Jean-Marie Defossez) written on January 25, 2024 at 10:21 a.m. The best way to breathe, by Jean-Marie Defossez, ed. Thierry Souccar Article published in newspaper nº 120

This book has two major objectives. The first is to reveal the pillars of good breathing according to scientific criteria. The second is to offer new exercises, based on these pillars, to end each day less tired, while increasing your health and vitality. The author and physiologist teaches us that improving your maximum expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) is essential. This “ maximum volume of air that a person manages to exhale in one second following inhaling to the maximum ” requires taking into account all of the body’s needs, particularly nutrition. Part of the book is therefore devoted to the often little-discussed link between food and breathing. It highlights the fact that the primary function of breathing is to ensure that the body maintains a constant balance in the acidity level of the blood. Balance which depends on a balance between acidifying and alkalizing elements. The element bicarbonate in particular plays a key role in this balance. However, certain foods provide it (potato flakes, yams, dried figs, etc.) while others consume it (sorrel and rhubarb, hard cheese, oats and rye, etc.). Then, if the impact of stress on respiratory rate seems obvious, we also learn why it is useful to slow down your breathing to achieve, if possible, ten breaths per minute… Other determining aspects highlighted: the interest in favoring breathing through the nose (which does as well if not better than surgical masks to stop viruses) and to deepen your exhalations without inhaling more. The reading ends with seven exercises to practice for a few minutes each day to take care of your breathing and therefore your health. Because, as the author points out, the way we breathe influences the way we are perceived by others and what emanates from us.

Under no circumstances can the information and advice offered on the Alternative Santé site replace a consultation or diagnosis made by a doctor or health professional, the only ones able to adequately assess your state of health.

Most read: To read… or not
#breathe #JeanMarie #Defossez

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