The Best Time to Exercise: Finding the Ideal Workout Routine for Your Lifestyle

2023-07-25 06:16:00

When planning a workout, different variables such as volume, intensity or frequency come into play, but you can also take into account the time of day that training is carried out. “We must be clear that the best exercise is the one that is done and that the best time of day is the one that you can do it. Train at the time that best suits your routine and that allows you to have continuity and incorporate the exercise as a habit in your lifestyle. However, there are numerous studies that have analyzed the differences obtained depending on when the exercise is performed”, the personal trainer comments. Victor Diaz (@prohealth.vd), specialist in physical activity and sport sciences.

Thus, the expert explains that all cells in the body are governed by a circadian cycle influenced by different factors such as body temperature, the hormonal environment and energy metabolism. Circadian rhythms also have variations according to the chronotype of each person: morning, intermediate and evening. “However, your predisposition is a more important factor than all of the above because performance differences may be relevant to elite athletes but are hardly relevant to the general population. If you have the possibility to choose the time at which you can exercise, listen to your body. There are many people who notice more energy first thing in the day and others in the followingnoon”, the personal trainer tells us.

Also read: Is there a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ time to train?

Do you exercise in the morning or in the followingnoon?

Analyzing the results of several studies, some have been found that affirm that there are differences between exercising in the morning or doing it in the followingnoon.

For example, it seems that training in the morning promotes restsince morning exercise improves night sleep quality.

If you have trouble falling asleep, avoid training close to bedtime because exercise raises cortisol and body temperature, which can affect sleep.

Also, it has been seen that train in the morning has a series of advantages: greater beta-oxidation of fatty acids when exercising before a meal, greater loss of fatty body weight and more effectiveness on appetite control and calorie intake.

Finally, exercise performed before 5:00 p.m. has lower mortality risks for all causes and cardiovascular diseases than the evening (5pm to midnight).

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woman resting while doing sports

When do you get better performance?

However, the expert details that when it comes to assessing performance there is no clear consensus in the scientific literature. “On the one hand, there are studies that state that a greater expression of force is observed when training in the evening. The results show that the maximum point of strength is reached around 18 hours approximately and the lowest values ​​of force are obtained between 6-10h. On the other hand, a recent meta-analysis states that there are no significant differences in strength levels between training in the morning or in the followingnoon, but it does show that maintaining a routine and trying to always train at the same time increases performance. The body adapts, if you are constant and maintain a daily routine you will be able to perform at any time ”, he tells us.

Thus, he explains that if we analyze the impact on muscle mass and hypertrophy of the time of day in which we exercise, there are studies that state that no significant differences are found in the muscle mass gain regardless of when you do the training. In other studies, benefits have been found on different variables that can help to gain muscle mass when training in the followingnoon. For example, in the followingnoon greater muscle anabolic signaling is observed and higher testosterone and lower cortisol peaks. “In addition, core body temperature is higher in the followingnoon, which provides better nerve conduction velocity and greater neuromuscular efficiency in training,” he tells us.

By way of conclusion, Víctor Díaz points out that we know that exercising is vital for our health and it will provide us with benefits at any time of the day. “The most important thing is to be consistent and exercise regularly. Listen to your body, there are differences in preferences between each person and it has also been seen that training when you feel like it has greater benefits. Train when it best suits your weekly routine. Better done than perfect! ”, she concludes.

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