The Best Pastry Chef in the World: Historic Victory for Chef from La Rochelle

2023-11-03 21:35:00
The chef from La Rochelle was named the best pastry chef in the world by the International Union of Bakers and Pastry Chefs. She is the first woman to be rewarded by her peers, almost a hundred years following the creation of the organization.

It is a historic event and it took place on October 25. For the first time, the prize for the best pastry chef in the world, awarded in Munich by the International Union of Bakers and Pastry Chefs (UIBC), was awarded to a pastry chef. This is Nina Métayer, 35, originally from La Rochelle, at the head of Délicatesserie, an online pastry shop. What ? It took almost a hundred years for the UIBC, created in 1931, to distinguish a woman?

To be completely fair, this is not the first time that a pastry chef has been judged the best in her category. In 2019, the Frenchwoman Jessica Préalpato, who works in particular at the San Régis hotel in Paris where she offers, for example, a luxury snack (65 euros) a few followingnoons a week, was dubbed by the 50 Best. But this ranking is not strictly speaking a recognition of its peers since it comes from the British group William Reed Business Media.

Recurring arguments

If we are obviously delighted for Métayer, whose recipes and creations we have recommended in our pages, we are annoyed by this too late coronation. Especially since when we question those responsible for culinary guides and various rankings of chefs regarding the low presence of women among the prize-winners, one of the recurring arguments consists of hiding behind the fact that women tend to to be over-represented in pastry making, and under-represented in restaurant kitchens, because the work rhythm of a pastry chef would be more compatible with family life.

If there are so many of them making macarons, choux chantilly and other Paris-Brest products on a daily basis, why did you have to wait, once more, for so long? As the culinary guide season opens (the new edition of Gault et Millau is expected next week, that of Fooding the following, the Michelin guide having postponed its ceremony to March for several years), the argument won’t take anymore.

#late #coronation #Libération



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