The best natural remedies from the French regions

2023-09-22 11:58:00

In the four corners of France, we treat ourselves using recipes inherited from our ancestors. We set out to discover some of these star plants* which still have their place in our pharmacies today.

*Do not use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Plantain to heal wounds

Its long striped leaves were used to heal and/or soothe insect bites, wounds, whitlows, boils, eczema, etc.: in the form of a decoction in Alsace, as a dressing in the Pyrenees or in Ardèche, macerated in calva, then applied to the skin in Normandy…

That works ? Yes: plantain contains mucilage with softening properties and aucubin, a component with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Ideal for relieving skin inflammation.

The right recipe: the plantain leaf – which can be picked almost anywhere and all year round – is applied fresh (dried, it must be rehydrated) directly on the skin (rubbing a little) or in the form of macerate. Infuse 1 tbsp. to s. in 25 cl of water at room temperature for 2 hours, stirring regularly, then place the solution (with the leaves) between two compresses. Leave on for 20 minutes 3 times a day on inflamed areas.

Any contraindications? Allergy (rare) to plantain.

Nettle to treat rheumatism and arthritis

Known to be fortifying, this plant is supposed to have many other virtues: depurative (Auvergne), diuretic (Burgundy), circulatory (Provence), antirheumatic (Haute-Provence, Landes).

That works ? Nettle contains all the compounds necessary to remineralize and strengthen tissues and bones: a good dose of minerals and trace elements (iron, silica, etc.), complete proteins, vitamins C and B. The World Health Organization also recognizes the use of its root to limit urination difficulties linked to benign prostatic hypertrophy, and of its aerial parts to irrigate the kidneys and urinary tract in cases of inflammation , and to relieve arthritic and rheumatic pain.

The right recipe: Equipped with gloves, we pick it everywhere, then we eat it cooked (soup, quiche, etc.), raw (juice, pesto, etc.) or dried (infusion).

Any contraindications? Edema, hypoglycemic, hypotensive and antiplatelet treatment.

Callune against urinary disorders

This false heather was traditionally used (flowers and leaves) to treat urination problems : lighten smelly, dark urine in Brittany and Auvergne, cleanse the kidneys in Jura, eliminate uric acid in Burgundy, treat prostate problems in Vercors, etc.

That works ? Rich in flavonoids, quercetin, triterpenes and arbutoside, it is recognized as a depurative, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and urinary antiseptic plant, ideal in cases of cystitis, but also gout attacks or kidney stones.

The right recipe: its dried flowers are used in decoction, i.e. 20 g in 1 l of water, bring to the boil for 3 minutes and leave to infuse 10 minutes, then filter. 3 to 6 cups per day during the crisis.

Any contraindications? Non.

Dandelion purifies

Consumed in all the countryside in salads (Burgundy, Picardy, Brittany), but also semi-cooked with bacon (Auvergne), in omelettes (Dordogne, Alps, Limousin) or in infusion, dandelion would be perfect for purifying the body after overeating, illness or treatment.

That works ? Thanks to its different components (taraxacin, flavonoids, inulin, potassium), dandelion has diuretic, laxative and cholagogue effects (promoting the secretion of bile and its passage through the intestine). A valuable detox boost, even if it doesn’t deserve its nickname “piss-in-bed”.

The right recipe: Leaves and buds are consumed as is or in the form of an infusion (let 1 teaspoon of dried leaves infuse for 10 minutes in 25 cl of boiling water and filter).

Any contraindications? Coagulation disorders, cholelithiasis, renal failure.

The Shepherd’s purse (or capselle) in case of irregular periods

Its aerial parts are considered antihemorrhagic in many regions (Picardie, Burgundy, Brittany, Provence, etc.), particularly in cases of painful, heavy or irregular periods.

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That works? Its active components (sulfur molecules, alkaloids, flavonoids, fumaric acid, etc.) are effectively hemostatic (stopping bleeding), anti-inflammatory and improve blood circulation.

The right recipe: as an infusion, pour 25 cl of boiling water over 1 tbsp. to s. of dried plant. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes, and filter (2 cups per day).

Any contraindications? Photosensitizing effect, anticoagulant treatment.

Valerian to soothe nervous disorders

Throughout France, this plant is recognized for its calming properties: in Brittany and Auvergne, it is recommended for nervous people and insomniacs, in cases of spasms and palpitations in Morvan and Lorraine, or even in cases of depression in Chartreuse. In Alsace, it is with valerian macerated in schnapps that we treat nervous disorders, sleep problems and anxiety.

That works ? The active ingredients of its roots and rhizomes (more than 150, including valepotriates, valerenic acid) have a recognized beneficial effect on the central nervous system. The European Commission also approves valerian to treat restlessness, anxiety and sleep disorders.

The right recipe: in infusion, pour 25 cl of boiling water over 1 tbsp. to c. of dried plant, leave to infuse and filter (1 to 2 cups per day, in the evening).

Any contraindications? Liver disorders, anticoagulant treatment. Warning: taken during the day, it can cause drowsiness.

Ground ivy in case of ENT infection in the Vosges

In most regions, it is the essential ally in cases of bronchitis, flu, colds, asthma. And this, internally (infusion) as externally (inhalation in the Vosges, ointment in Brittany, poultices)…

That works? Ground ivy contains many antioxidants, as well as marrubiin, an active ingredient with expectorant and antitussive properties, and rosmarinic acid, which can be useful during convalescence from initial illnesses. viral (flu, cold, bronchitis).

The right recipe: in homemade syrup, let fresh leaves macerate in water for 8 hours, filter, add honey or sugar, heat. As an infusion: 1 tbsp. to s. of plant for 200 ml of boiling water, 3 to 4 cups per day. As a poultice: apply a cloth soaked in chopped fresh leaves mixed with vegetable oil for 20 minutes on the thorax. But also in inhalation.

Any contraindications? Skin allergy (rare). Risk of digestive disorders in case of long-term use.


Old remedies from our grandmothers”, by Magali Amir, ed. Ouest-France, to know everything about French plants and their traditional uses.

“I make my healing herbal teas”, by Caroline Gayet and Patrick Aubé, ed. Leduc, an ultra-practical work to heal yourself thanks to the treasures of nature.

#natural #remedies #French #regions

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