The best four Al Pacino films that triumphed in the cinema

Alfredo James Pacinoknown as Al Pacino He was born on April 25, 1950 in New York City. He and his mother grew up in the South Bronx and from a very young age he showed interest in the world of acting.

In one of his most memorable interviews given to the press, the actor spoke about what he had to experience during his adolescence. “I grew up, practically, on the street. I was always a dreamer. I was not afraid of misery, because I wanted to get out of it, and I began to imagine a thousand solutions to overcome it. Not like most of my friends back then, those ended up in jail or the reformatory. At seventeen I stopped going to school, I worked, and in my free hours I crammed into books. One day I decided to appear for an audition and I knew that I urgently lacked adequate preparation, my good will was not enough, I had to polish myself“, said.

His decisions were correct and over time he became a reference for many artists, who consider him a leading figure in this sector. His film career began with his performance in Me, Natalie in 1969. Years later, he began to attract the attention of critics for his performance in Needle Parkbut it was only until his participation in The Godfather where his legend began to grow.

The North American also joined the cast of important productions and also managed to become the winner of a Oscar in the category for best leading actor after his work in Women perfume.

Pacino has received other Academy Award nominations and other awards recognitions. Emmy, Golden Globe, SAG, BAFTA and Tony, among others. Below we leave a review of his four best films, which have been very successful in the history of cinema.

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The best movies played by Al Pacino

Women perfume

For several years, there was a lot of talk about the only Oscar that this representative actor won and even more so when he achieved it by playing a minor role in this film.

The price of ambition

The New Yorker was part of an interesting cast that also included Jack Lemmon, Alec Baldwin, Kevin Spacey and Ed Harris.

dog afternoon

Al Pacino stars in this story linked to a bank robbery and which was based on real events after what happened in the city of Brooklyn during 1972. His performance in this feature film earned him a new nomination for the Academy Awards.

The Godfather

It is the most important film in the career of this successful actor, who at that time was not very well known. The director entrusted him with the task of correctly interpreting Michael Corleone and Pacino demonstrated all his talent.

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