The best exercises to combat flaccidity in the arms | Health | Magazine

One of the situations that people generally have to face as the years go by is the skin that begins to hang on the upper arm area.

This sagging may be due to genetic factors, with people who suffer from it even from a very young age; or very rapid and abrupt weight loss, such as when undergoing bariatric surgeries.

Also, this skin in that area of ​​the body begins to hang by the same aging processespecially in women, even exercising and with proper nutrition and stable body weight, details the portal Infosalud – EP.

When it comes to preventing this skin that hangs from the arm from appearing, Dr. Petra Vega, a member of the Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine, advises first of all to avoid rapid weight changes.

“Obviously, if there is a great excess of weight, and it has to be lost, this collateral effect must be assumed, but in any case it is much less harmful than the serious diseases associated with being very overweight. And in case you have to do it, include a diet as rich as possible in proteins and vitamins, and accompany it with appropriate exercises”, indica.

Although it depends on each case, the specialist emphasizes that in general bodybuilding exercises are convenient in which the two main muscle groups are worked: the biceps and triceps; although he assures that it also helps a lot to improve the deltoid (muscle that forms the ball of the shoulder) and all shoulder muscles to give more support.

Exercises to fight the flab

bicep curls

Ideally, you should perform the dumbbell biceps curl, but you can also use a couple of water bottles, canned food, or another similar object that you have at home.

To perform the practice, keep your elbows next to your torso and your shoulders down, away from your ears, to maximize the contraction of the biceps during the exercise. Do 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

tricep dip

This exercise is also known as triceps dips, since to perform it you only need a chair, a bench, a sofa or a step

For its correct practice, make sure to keep your buttocks and lower back close to the chair or the object you are using, so you can maximize the benefits of the exercise. If you want to increase the intensity you can change the rhythm. Make 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Triceps kickbacks

To do this exercise you can use dumbbells, water bottles and other objects.

For its correct practice, stand up and lean your torso forward, with your knees slightly bent and your back straight. Put your arms behind you, keeping your elbows close to your body.

Raise and lower the dumbbells toward the ceiling without moving your elbows. You can perform the exercise in a slow and controlled way. Perform 2 or 3 sets of 10 or 15 repetitions.

shoulder press

You can do this exercise sitting down or standing up.

Lower your arms a little below the shoulder line and bring the weights (or your arms) up, a little in front of your forehead. He tries not to throw his arms back. Make 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

lateral raises

This exercise is performed standing up. Slightly bend your knees and hold a dumbbell, water bottle and another weight in each hand. Raise your arms to the side until you see that your shoulder, elbow and wrist are aligned and parallel to the ground.

Do not raise your shoulders more than necessary and try to keep them always back and down at the same time that you stick out your chest a little. Do 3 sets of 8 to 12 moves. (F)

Sources: Europa Press / Runtastic / Mundo Deportivo



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