The best episodes of the anime Detective Conan Part 2

The enduring appeal of “Detective Conan” lies in more than just its cleverly designed puzzles. The series feature a cast of fascinating characters, each with their own quirks and strengths. Conan’s interactions with childhood friend Maori Ran and her father, Inspector Maori, add a layer of humor and warmth to the show. The best Conan episodes deftly balance suspenseful investigations with hilarious moments, keeping the audience engaged throughout. We also found that the best episodes of Detective Conan involve more than just mind-boggling puzzles. They showcase the episode’s strengths: a charming cast and quirky characters, a combination of light humor and suspense, and a long-simmering narrative driven by the threat of black organizing. This captivating combination keeps fans hooked on every Detective Conan case, with many thrilling moments.

Craving an intellectual challenge? Just look at the “Incredible Mysteries” category, considered one of the best episodes of Detective Conan! Here, Conan uncovers incredibly complex cases that will make you question everything you thought you knew. It’s also impossible to conclude that some of the “best Conan episodes” explored deeper emotions. Get ready for heartwarming moments and heartwarming scenes that will bring tears to your eyes while solving puzzles.

We will continue the second part of this article with you in the series Top 10 or Top 10 The first conversation we started was about the first part of the article”The best episodes of the Detective Conan animeThis time let’s talk about other new episodes of the “Detective Conan” anime.

Episodes 218 and 219 Virtual Kidnapping Case

In this thrilling episode of the Detective Conan anime, a crime scene is shown where a wealthy businessman is kidnapped in a sealed room, with the only evidence being an encrypted message sent via a virtual reality game. Conan dives into the digital world to uncover the truth in a genius way.

Highlights of this episode:
1- Unique assumptions: This case introduces the exciting concept of virtual crime scenes, adding a new layer of mystery to the investigation and leading to fascinating, exciting and novel conclusions.
2- Personal development: We see the resourcefulness of Detective Shinichi (Conan’s true identity) and his ability to adapt his investigative skills to the digital environment in surprising ways.

334 – 332 Night Baron Murder Case

In these episodes, Conan will witness a tangled web, teaming up with detective Hattori Heiji as they brilliantly solve the mystery of the Night Baron’s murder. It’s a series of murders that appear to have nothing to do with each other, which brings confusion and confusion to people. Each crime scene leaves behind strange connections, and Conan and Heiji must decipher the mysterious clues to uncover the Night Baron’s elusive killer.

Highlights of this episode:
1- Find out the most surprising ending reveals: The episode has many shocking twists and complex motivations that tie all the victims together in exciting ways.
2- Pay attention to personality: We delve into the character and background of Conan’s detective rival, Inspector Hattori Heiji, demonstrating his sharp mind and unique reasoning skills.

Episode 128 and 135 of Desperate Revival

In these episodes of the exciting anime “Conan” we will witness a race against time revenge plot against Detective Shinichi’s lover Ran (currently Conan) and a display of strength from the girl Haibara. A serious kidnapping crime. Pursued by a criminal seeking revenge on Kogoro, Conan and the young detectives must race against time to find Ran.

Highlights of this episode:

1- Unforgettable emotional moments: This chapter is filled with intense suspense as Lan’s life is threatened. It also offers a touching moment when Ran confesses her feelings to the seemingly oblivious Conan (who is actually Shinichi in disguise).
2- Personal development: When Haibara helps Conan on a rescue mission, we see a stronger, more resourceful side of her.

Chapter 345 The Captured Blackmailer (The Trapped Blackmailer)

In this episode, we learn about the clues and secrets hidden by Absinthe and Weak Conan. This episode is considered one of the best episodes of Detective Conan. A Māori detective receives a ransom note threatening to expose a politician’s past. The investigation leads Conan to a suspicious mansion, where he encounters Weymouth, a member of the Black Organization disguised as another guest.

Highlights of this episode:

1- Emotional moments and swings: Conan experiences a moment of vulnerability when he is in danger of being discovered by Absinthe.
2- Hidden clues: The episode is filled with subtle clues pointing to Absinthe’s true identity, rewarding attentive viewers.

Episode 489-490 New York Incident (New York NY Incident)

In this episode we witness a global threat! The black group, who has temporarily returned to normalcy, appears in New York City, where he will travel to New York with his beloved Lan to participate in the karate championship. High-ranking businessman, possibly associated with black organizations. This is the most beautiful episode of Detective Conan because it goes beyond suspense! The show features an eccentric cast, witty suspense and humor, and a protracted battle with the Black Organization, making it a riveting detective series.

Highlights of this episode:

1- Global Conspiracy: Set outside Japan, this issue provides a new perspective on the influence of black organizing.
2- Emotional risks: Kidnapping a child significantly increases the risk and the urgency of the investigation.

Here we come to the conclusion of the article… Here we discuss the best animated episodes of Detective Conan. On the other hand, some of the films he has released are engaging and exciting, characterized by complex storylines and intense action scenes, among which the film “The Last Wizard of the Century” starring Detective Conan Edogadoah is a series. A series of seemingly unrelated murders occurred during a magic show performed by Detective Conan. Through investigation, he disguised himself as a magical child known as “Ghost Boy”.

What’s great about this movie is that it ties into Shinichi’s past and his motivations for becoming a famous detective. The film culminates in a thrilling chase in a fantasy-filled collapsing theater. In addition, the movie “A Moment of Silence” is no less important than the movie “The Last Wizard of the Century”. It is very powerful and has a wonderful storyline. It tells the story of Conan and Conan in a sealed room during a sea journey. A murder case in which a young detective becomes involved in solving a very complex case as the young detective is trapped on a closed luxury cruise ship with a group of opera singers on board. A series of murders occur and Conan must solve them before the ship reaches its destination. The film tells the story of a huge mystery about a complex locked room with a genius culprit and motive.

It also showcases the ingenuity of the boy detectives and the key role they play in helping Detective Conan. Featuring a captivating cast and distinct characters, this central film deftly blends humor and suspense with a long-simmering narrative driven by Conan’s quest to reclaim his identity and protect those he loves. This attractive combination keeps fans glued to their seats to watch hundreds of exciting Conan episodes without getting bored. From the foundation laid by the early classics of Conan animation to the thrilling encounters with the Black Organization, we see Detective Conan’s status as a mysterious masterpiece firmly established. You can read our previous article “Get to know the characters in the anime Detective Conan..



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