The Benefits of Eating a Mango Before Exercise: How It Impacts Your Musculoskeletal System and More

2023-07-12 16:14:25
What happens if you eat a mango before exercising?

The combination of magnesium and potassium makes mangos suitable for keeping the musculoskeletal system in good shape. | Photo: Getty Images

Modern life

The vitamin C that is among its composition is essential for the maintenance of strong and healthy muscles.

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Mango is one of most people’s favorite exotic fruits. However, few are aware of its health benefits.

A fruit that provides various health benefits such as helping fight inflammation, strengthening the immune system and reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, because it is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, according to the health portal Tua Saúde.

According to the MensHealth magazine, vitamin C is also among its composition, which is essential for maintaining strong and healthy muscles. That is, it acts directly on muscle tissue to maintain them over time.

It acts directly on muscle tissue to maintain them over time. | Photo: Royalty Free

Other health benefits of mango

Stimulates the defenses

Antioxidant minerals and vitamins, along with phenolic compounds, help the immune system prevent and fight disease. Quercetin, isoquercetin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid, and methyl gallate have antioxidant effects.

Exerts antioxidant action

Vitamin C and polyphenolic compounds such as mangiferin, quercetin, kaempferol, gallic acid and caffeic acid have antioxidant action, fighting free radicals and reducing cell damage. Thus, mango might help prevent and combat diseases associated with oxidative stress caused by free radicals such as atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, stroke, diabetes and even some types of cancer.

Protects once morest cardiovascular diseases

Thus, mango improves the functioning of the arteries and helps prevent heart attacks, heart failure, and strokes. In addition, the mangiferin and vitamin C contained in this fruit exert anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action, helping to reduce free radical damage to cells and keeping blood vessels healthy.

The mango improves the functioning of the arteries and helps prevent heart attacks, heart failure and strokes. | Photo: Haag & Kropp GBR

improves eyesight

One of the main benefits that mango provides is that it favors eyesight, thanks to the concentration of vitamin A. It is one of the fruits with the highest concentration of this vitamin. Consuming mango on a regular basis helps to reduce, and even eliminate, problems such as night blindness, itchy or irritated eyes, etc., according to the Nutrition and Pharmacy portal.

The skin also receives many benefits from the mango. | Photo: Getty images.

favors the skin

The skin also receives many benefits from the mango. One of its effects is to improve the condition of the pores, eliminating the accumulation of fat, which usually causes acne. It also regulates the amount of fat throughout the body, which affects good hydration and protection of the skin. They can get these benefits in at least two ways. One of them is through your daily intake. But, if you want to see results in a very short time, the best alternative is to place the pulp of this fruit directly on the skin.

prevents cancer

The mango contains phenols, which provide many necessary elements to keep the body in optimal conditions. It is credited with the ability to eliminate cancer cells, as long as they are in their first stage of development. Harvard University, a Through a study, he pointed out that diseases such as prostate cancer can be prevented with mango consumption. There are also very favorable results in those who already suffer from this disease in the colon or liver, although the results are very few at the moment, so they require more studies.

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