The benefits of boxing: from boosting well-being to increasing self-esteem

This article was originally published in the September issue of Spanish Vogue.

Yes, in general, all sports have been opening up in recent years to a wider female audience –both professionally and in practice amateur– It is not an exaggeration to state that the boxing (in all its declensions) takes the lead in this field. Previously subject to an eminently male context, the tables have turned radically to not only attract more women, but also become one of their favorite disciplines. “They make up 70% of those attending our classes. It is an activity that is attracting more and more followers”, confirms Efthalia Tsimkas, trainer at Brooklyn Fitboxing.

It is not an exclusive phenomenon of this chain of gyms, but it is a sport that has exploded in recent seasons, generating not only more subscriptions to its most classic declination, but also a whole series of alternatives that offer an even more complete experience. . The sessions of B3B Woman -which only accept women- They have been triumphing in Madrid for years with a very distinctive approach: “With a duration of 45 minutes, our unique high-intensity method and our own mix three fifteen-minute intervals with the best version of bike, box y ballet, perfect combination to burn, harden and stylize the body, at the same time that we increase our levels of positivism and vitality”, says the Center’s Studio Manager, Yamel González.

More recently, another option has landed in the capital –arrived from Latin America– that relies heavily on the exercise of contact, the space KO Urban Detox Center. Through his KO Method, combines boxing, martial arts, bootcamp y yoga. “All of this added up an empowerment tool, liberation and connection that transforms, de-stresses, lightens and detoxifies the mind and body, strengthens and nourishes the soul”, summarizes its creator, Ale Llosa. Precisely, in those words of the founder of the KO Method lies one of the keys why more and more women are betting on this type of practice: its impact on self-esteem. “It is created to transform the mind, help you to give a little more of yourself every day and feel proud, that is why it empowers, because you achieve it, you applaud yourself, you surpass yourself and you have fun in the process”, affirms Llosa. And indeed, the experts corroborate this view. As pointed out by the specialist in psychology Ángel Luis Guillén, director of the Psicopartner center, exercise is always recommended in cases of anxiety and depression, because “hormones such as serotonin, endorphins, dopamine and oxytocin need to maintain adequate levels to the correct development of our mental health, and sport is one of the best ways to produce them naturally”. If you go more to the concrete, this type of contact disciplines are very positive in this sense, “boxing eliminates mental tension and reduces stress, not only for the action of hitting, but for the release of endorphins; at the same time, it releases adrenaline with the executed exercises”, he affirms.

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It is a factor that, indeed, is taken into account today when designing sessions. “When working with techniques of mindfulness and messages of empowerment throughout the training, our girls feel more self-confident, more powerful and with clearer ideas”, comments Yamel González. Added to this is the predominantly female environment with which “they feel accompanied by a community of women who enjoy training in an environment with good energy and safety to be the best version of themselves”, says the person in charge of B3B Woman. A comfort that, without a doubt, causes a knock-on effect, since, as Efthalia Tsimkas points out, “it has a great social component, bonds are created between people in the class and they end up making friends.” Fighting like a girl was this.

Rite of passage: from the gym to the ring

  1. When it comes to mental well-being, self-esteem She is one of the great beneficiaries of boxing. The mere practice of the exercise emphasizes the feeling of power and self-confidence.
  2. Experts highlight the completeness of this discipline and its derivatives. Perfect for defining and toning upper body muscles and lower, it is excellent for burning a lot of calories.
  3. Activity with a great social componentgenerates a community spirit, which motivates to continue with the practice, in addition to improving the mood.
  4. Physical and cardiovascular resistance they will also be driven by the pace of the sport. Coordination and balance are another key paw that develops over time.

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