The benefits of a nap to recharge our energy

2023-09-05 06:00:15

Improving efficiency and mood is possible by sleeping a few minutes in the followingnoon. What are the benefits of a nap?

Last update : September 05, 2023

If you feel suddenly tired following lunch, schedule some time and take a nap. By resting for a few minutes in a good environment, many health benefits appear. However, sleeping for more than an hour in the followingnoon can be counterproductive. Discover the performance benefits of a nap and how to take advantage of it.

Take a nap and enjoy its benefits

A growing body of research supports the fact that take a nap between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. to replenish your energy and improve daily performance. Although it’s not always possible, due to the fast pace of modern life, a short break can be a positive boost to productivity.

Also read: Types of Rest Everyone Needs

Mood enhancement

Serotonin, known as the “happiness hormone”, is a neurotransmitter responsible, among other things, for regulating mood. To maintain healthy levels, sleep is essential. A brief nap generates cerebral rest which contributes to well-being during the rest of the day.

Promotion of metabolic health

Lack or poor sleep increases cortisol, the hormone linked to lack of insulin sensitivity. Moreover, it generates immune disorders favoring the appearance of chronic diseases.

Catching up on sleep during the day reduces the damaging effects of cortisol, releasing growth hormone in the opposite direction. This substance promotes muscle recovery, fights stress and anxiety.

Benefits of a nap: Boosting creativity

Various neurological studies suggest that the nap stimulates the right hemisphere of the brain, associated with creative tasks and the ability to express oneself. In addition, it facilitates the assimilation of new information.

One of the most interesting benefits is related to learning. People who take short naps in the followingnoon tend to increase their ability to concentrate and assimilate knowledge. Even if they are very short, intermediate pauses promote short-term memory. Then incorporating new data with more precision.

The action of sleeping, in general, helps to fix the data and to concentrate. Especially if nighttime activities have to be carried out during the rest of the day.

Promote reflexes and efficiency

According to a NASA study, which analyzed the activity of 747 pilots following a nap, sleep improves work performance. Those who took a break between 20 and 30 minutes reduced their number of workplace errors by 34%. In addition, they found themselves more attentive and endowed with better reflexes.

A more positive attitude

The nap, however brief, goes through different stages of sleep that promote a state of happiness. Studies indicate that people who sleep in the followingnoon tend to express more joy than their anger and fear.

Improved blood pressure

Rest helps reduce stress and muscle tension, while producing relaxation. Therefore, take a nap may reduce blood pressure and heart rate.

When and how to take a nap to enjoy its benefits?

In some places, usually far from the big cities, the siesta remains a deeply rooted custom. Shops close in the followingnoon and people are used to slowing down in the followingnoon. However, in cities it can become more difficult.

It is therefore important to create an environment conducive to rest, in terms of light, noise and time spent. Take a nap with the following tips in mind:

  • Light. It is essential to generate darkness.
  • Noise. It is best to rest in a place with as little ambient noise as possible.
  • Space. It doesn’t have to be the main bed, but it should be comfortable. For example, an armchair.
  • Hours. The period between 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. is considered the ideal time to take a nap. This way, nighttime sleep would not be affected as much.

Also discover: How to avoid waking up tired from a nap?

How to avoid the counter-productive effects of a nap?

If you feel very tired following lunch, double shift work at night, or just want to enjoy a nap, consider that there is a time limit. It is recommended that it be for a duration between 10 and 40 minutes. With a maximum limit of one hour.

Otherwise, a sleep inertia effect may occur. It involves waking up groggy and disoriented. Also, a long nap following the suggested times can disrupt nighttime sleep.

On the contrary, intermediate rest improves physical and mental well-being during the last hours of the day, improving performance and concentration. If possible, create the daily habit of a nap, respecting the time limits we have specified.

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All cited sources have been thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, timeliness and validity. The bibliography for this article has been considered academically or scientifically reliable and accurate.

  • Citlali, T. and Montserrat, GC (2012). Regulation of serotonin release in different neuronal compartments. Mental Health Magazine 2012;35:435-443. Accessed August 21, 2023.
  • Georgetown University Medical Center. (2012). Might Lefties and Righties Benefit Differently from a Power Nap? Retrieved August 21,
  • Leproult, R., Copinschi, G., Buxton, O., & Van Cauter, E. (1997). Sleep loss results in an elevation of cortisol levels the next evening. Sleep, 20(10), 865–870. Consultado el 21 de agosto de 2023.
  • NASA. (2019). The benefits of napping for safety & How quickly can the brain wake-up from sleep? Cassie J. Hilditch, PhD San Jose State University Research Foundation Fatigue Countermeasures Laboratory NASA Ames Research Center. Consultado el 21 de agosto de 2023.

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