The benefits for our health that the mulberry fruit hides

The benefits for our health that the mulberry fruit hides

The mulberry tree is a decorative tree and provides rich shade, accompanying our childhood memories of village holidays, as berries are included in the popular summer fruits (watermelon, melon, grape).

Berries (white or black), which are the fruits of the mulberry tree, are famous for their natural sweetness, while they have a strong antioxidant effect.

What is their nutritional value?

Berries are rich in vitamins and minerals, as they contain iron, vitamin C, potassium and vitamin K1. Fresh berries are 88% water and have only 60 calories per cup (140 grams).

In 100 grams, fresh berries contain:

Calories: 43
Water: 88%
Protein: 1.4 grams
Carbohydrates: 9.8 grams
Sugars: 8.1 grams
Fiber: 1.7 grams
Fat: 0.4 grams
They also contain:

Anthocyanins, a family of antioxidants that can inhibit the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol, with beneficial effects against heart disease
Cyanidin, the main anthocyanin in berries that is responsible for their black, red or purple color
Chlorogenic acid, an antioxidant abundant in many fruits and vegetables
Rutin, a powerful antioxidant that may help protect against chronic conditions such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease
Myricetin, a compound that may have a protective effect against certain forms of cancer
The amounts, however, of the above elements in the berries depend mainly on the variety, affecting their color and antioxidant properties.

Berries provide important health benefits, so you just have to include them in your diet

They reduce cholesterol

Animal studies have shown that berries and berry extracts can reduce excess fat and cholesterol levels. They can also improve the ratio of LDL (bad) and HDL (good) cholesterol. In addition, experiments have shown that they reduce the formation of fat in the liver, potentially helping to prevent fatty liver disease.

They reduce blood sugar

The berries contain the substance 1-deoxynosirimycin (DNJ), which inhibits an enzyme in the gut that breaks down carbohydrates. Therefore, berries may be beneficial against diabetes by slowing the rise in blood sugar after meals. However, further human studies are needed before we can draw firm conclusions.

They reduce the risk of cancer

Increased stress on our bodies has been shown to cause oxidative damage to cells and tissues, which is associated with an increased risk of cancer. For hundreds of years, berries have been part of traditional Chinese medicine as an anti-cancer remedy.

Some researchers believe that these reputed cancer-preventive effects may have a scientific basis. Animal studies show that the antioxidants in berry juice can reduce oxidative stress, reducing the risk of cancer. Corresponding beneficial properties, of course, are also provided by other fruits and vegetables.

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