The renowned Cuban actress, Aurora Basnuevo, known as the “Mulatísima” or “Estelvina”, and for her humor over several years on Cuban TV, radio and theater, passed away this Monday, September 26 at the age of 84. , as confirmed by state media.
Basnuevo’s birthday was on August 13, and it was very affected physically. The causes of her death were not detailed, but judging by the images, she suffered quickly.
The actress became well known for her character of Estelvina, in the Radio Progreso station Alegrías de sobremesa, but she was a comedian, singer and presenter. She was also the wife of the actor Mario Limonta, with whom she was usually a couple in many spaces.
“Acting is part of my life, and an important part. It has been a vehicle all these years, in the midst of my personal problems. I am very Cuban, very Reyoya and very mulatto. If I weren’t an actress… I’d be an actress, and once more, an actress”, she once said regarding her life dedicated to acting.
About the character where she was most recognized, she pointed out in another interview: “Estervina” meant reaching the town and getting her to love me as she does now. I am proud to have gotten to where I am. Being 82 years old and staying that way is not easy. I know people who are in their 50s and are broken. And I, there, at the foot of the canyon. If I have to sing, I sing and if I have to cry, I cry”.
“Some time ago his precarious state of health had his millions of admirers very alarmed. Until his last breath he always kept his beautiful smile. Rest in peace our idolized Estervina from “Alegrías de Sobremesa”, said a follower on social networks following learning of her death.
Since Cuban Directory, we extend our condolences to dear Mario Limonta, life partner of our “Mulatísima”, and to family and friends. Cuban culture is in mourning.