The beggars are becoming more and more insolent, but they cannot imagine their life any other way

A young guy lives on the street

The guy with long blond hair who is well-known to the people of Kėdaini near various shopping centers in the city causes anger for some, pity for others.

It would be difficult to count how many people gave him a helping hand, talked to him, gave him money or bought him food.

A young guy (about 25 years old) lives on the street, sleeps in the open and claims that he cannot imagine any other life. Social institutions also tried to provide him with help, but he left there because he did not like the established procedure that had to be followed.

Relatives are there, but they do not help

“Rinkos aištė” tried to find the guy’s relatives. It turned out that his mother lives in Kėdainiai. The woman knows how her son lives, but she says that she lives hard and cannot help him.

When trying to find the guy’s father, even three men introduced themselves as him. One lives abroad, the other two live in Lithuania. However, it was not possible to find out which of them is the real one.

It turned out that he also has a brother, but he categorically refuses to communicate with his brother.

The people of Kėdaini are both angry and sorry

The people of Kedaine are talking about this guy both on the street and on social networks. Some are angry with him, others pity him. The people of Kėdaini say that the boy is sick, but the disease is not diagnosed, because he does not go to the hospital of his own free will, and no one can treat abuse as long as the person does not pose a threat to his health or the lives of the people around him.

It’s true, there are more and more indignant people, that nobody helps people, and the cold is coming…

The young lad now sleeps with a grave candle lit next to him. He explains that the frost “won’t take” him. However, it is really uncomfortable to see such a view at night.

Photo by Dimitrijaus Kuprijanova (“Market Square”)/Sometimes this man, who has part of his leg amputated, comes to Kėdainii. He also asks for alms at the entrance to shopping centers.

Others are outraged that this young man is harassing younger people or that he is obsessively jumping into cars, swearing at people and asking for money.

For others, he is simply repulsive, because he walks around all dirty and with tangled long hair.

There is nothing to wish for, a person sleeps either under the balconies of apartment buildings, or under city trees, or simply under the open sky.

Not only ordinary people, but also various services tried to help those who chose this lifestyle. Unfortunately, coercion is not possible in such cases, the person himself must want to change.

There are more beggars

There are more persons asking for alms in Kėdaini. Another young man is of Roma nationality, the other is Lithuanian. Often these young men walk around shopping malls and extort money from people. Some take pity and give, others drive away – sometimes politely, sometimes not so much.

True, these two young men are not malicious, they just walk away without giving money.

Is begging a job?

“Rinkos aištė” recorded several more beggars at shopping centers. Several women were in wheelchairs, another apparently healthy woman and an elderly man were asking for money from shops.

By the way, these persons were quickly chased away by store security staff. But they soon found themselves at another mall. And they were taken there by a rather luxurious car. Such beggars are not from Kedai, they come from other cities. And begging is simply their job. They are transported by certain persons who also take part of the donated money.

Pretending to be Ukrainians

Impersonating Ukrainians has become very popular in recent months. Young men and women beg for alms both at shopping centers and just on the street at traffic lights. Sometimes they pretend to be both deaf and blind.

More than one organization uniting the disabled has already warned about such scams. Neither the deaf nor the blind collect support on the streets. Residents are therefore warned to be vigilant and watch who they donate their hard-earned money to.

It is forbidden to ask for alms

“Rinkos aištė” appealed to the municipality of Kėdainiai district. The public order department received an answer that asking for alms in public places is prohibited.

“We inform you that the rules for the management and cleanliness of the city of Kėdainiai and other residential areas, approved on 04/29/2016 Kėdainiai district municipalities the decision of the council stipulates that it is forbidden to ask for alms in public places. On that basis, Article 366 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. 1 d. administrative liability is provided for this illegal activity, a warning or a fine of up to 140 euros may be issued.

Police officers and specialists of the Public Order Department of the Kėdainiai District Municipality can initiate administrative proceedings and apply the sanctions provided for in the law for this act,” informed Saulius Rosteika, head of the Public Order Department. specialist.

Seven cases of alms requests were recorded this year

It turns out that people begging in public places do not go unnoticed. Seven such cases have been recorded this year alone.

“In 2023, 7 cases of begging in public places will be recorded. In most cases, specialists conducted interviews with those asking for alms, explained the impending responsibility, and warned that a penalty would be imposed if the violation was detected again.

During the year 2023, one protocol of administrative offenses was drawn up and one person was punished for asking for alms”, said the head. specialist.

Procedures are ongoing for the young homeless person

However, there is good news regarding the person most discussed by Kedaine residents – the young homeless person. Legal proceedings are currently underway.

“Regarding the actions of the person most often mentioned on social networks, the Public Order Department is in the process of clarifying the circumstances. The social support department of the municipality carries out appropriate procedures to provide the person with personal documents and assistance (medical and social services). Legal procedures such as determining incapacity, conservatorship and appointing a guardian take time.

However, people who may have been victimized by this person should contact the police by calling 112.

In this way, it would facilitate the work of the institutions in collecting evidence regarding the forced treatment of a person and establishing incapacity,” S. Rosteika explained.

Giving money is not an option

Danutė Mykolaitienė, deputy mayor of Kėdainiai district municipality, noted that giving money is not a solution, it only takes away from the real way of solving the problem.

“After noticing homeless or begging persons, it is most appropriate to inform the social workers of the Kėdainiai community social center, who, based on their competence, offer help and provide it immediately if needed. However, it should be noted that help is not always accepted, often such people refuse to communicate.

However, each case is individual and different.

In order for a person to change his lifestyle and get out of addictions, not only the efforts of social workers are needed, but also the person’s own motivation and willingness to accept that help. But some of them simply choose this way of life. And here various obstacles arise, which sometimes we don’t even think about.

Giving money is not helping. It is necessary that people do not donate, but rather offer help,” emphasized D. Mykolaitienė, vice mayor of Kėdainiai district municipality.

#beggars #insolent #imagine #life
2024-09-04 07:44:27



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