The battle of giants between Airbus and Thales will not take place for the takeover of Evidian (Atos)

It’s no ! Evidian, the future Atos spin-off, does not interest Thales. In its current configuration, this operation “does not correspond to the strategy of the group, which has no intention of diversifying into markets other than those it already serves”, underlines the group of technologies. And yet, Thales seemed, according to several observers contacted by La Tribune, to be the most relevant group to enter the capital of Evidian, which will bring together the most promising activities of Atos (cybersecurity, data, quantum, high-speed computing Powerful…)

The tricolor group seemed to tick a lot of boxes, in particular that of sovereignty, to become a reference shareholder dubbed by the French State. Atos and Thales also created in May 2021 the joint company Athea intended to develop a sovereign platform combining massive data processing and artificial intelligence for the defense, intelligence and homeland security sectors. Athea was also chosen last June by the Directorate General for Armaments (DGA) for the first phase of the Artemis.IA project. Finally, this operation would have allowed Thales to strengthen itself through Evidian, in Germany, where the group is virtually absent. Without any qualms, Berlin has repeatedly slammed the door on him in recent years when he was a candidate for the Hensoldt files, Airbus defense electronics activities, Atlas Elektronik…

Why Thales does not want Evidian

But, for the group chaired by Patrice Caine, there is no question of being weighed down with digital transformation services housed at Evidian and therefore to acquire… an IT services company skilfully embellished by certain promising activities. Of Evidian’s 5 billion euros in turnover, Big Data and Security activities represent less than 30% of Evidian’s activities (1.5 billion) and those in cybersecurity 10% (i.e. 500 million euros). euros), according to our information.

This is what is pushing back Thales, which already has a SSII in its perimeter for its own needs. In addition, Atos is only selling a minority stake (30%) and it wishes to sell it at a high price (1.2 billion euros). This sale, if finalized, will allow it to finance the restructuring of its historical activities. In total, Evidian is valued at 7 billion euros (debts included) by Atos. Finally, this minority stake does not make it possible to play on synergies between Evidian and the buyer, who will have to launch a takeover bid on the remaining capital to obtain a majority.

Airbus on pole?

Interested in Evidian, Airbus, on the other hand, already has discussions with Atos, as revealed by Les Echos. The European group would house these activities within Airbus Defense & Space, a German-led division (Michael Schoellhorn). More specifically, they would probably land at Airbus Secure Land Communications, headed by Frenchman Olivier Koczan who is supervised by Dutchman Evert Dudok (Connected Intelligence), reputed to be very close to the Germans. For Airbus, this operation would be an opportunity to strengthen within the framework a development strategy the digitization of its offer, particularly in “C2 systems” (multi-domain / combat cloud / C3I). SCAF is certainly part of the equation. Airbus would catch up with some of its delay on Thales in this area.

“Atos is a partner, Atos is a supplier, Atos does cybersecurity activities, so we are working with them and we are thinking about the future of relations with Atos. It is a very important partner for us, so yes we are discussing with Atos”, confirmed Guillaume Faury on Friday on BFM Business.

Nonetheless, itThis operation could embarrass the French State. The latter is worried about the future of Atos with whom he has signed a number of sensitive contracts. This security and IT giant could remain under the French flag for reasons of sovereignty. It is up to the French State to decide. And the endless negotiations between Airbus and Dassault Aviation to finalize pillar 1 of the SCAF (NGF, or New Generation Fighter) have left traces within the French government, particularly in Brienne, which did not appreciate the attitude of the European giant deemed too close to German interests.

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Atos rejected an offer from the Onepoint group

Contacted by, Atos indicated that it had committed, in connection with the implementation of its strategic plan, exploratory discussions with potential future minority shareholders within the scope of activities grouped under the Evidian name “. The group, however, clarified that “these discussions are not sufficiently advanced to allow any further comment”. According to its plan, Evidian should be listed on the stock exchange in the second half of 2023. Atos a rejected in September an offer to buy Evidian for an enterprise value of 4.2 billion euros from the Onepoint group. At last, Orange would also be interested in Evidian’s activities. According to the planAtosEvidian