“The Batman”: This Nirvana song is the soundtrack to the film

“The Batman” by Matt Reeves is characterized by gloomy images and an oppressive atmosphere – a song by Nirvana from the 90s seems quite appropriate. Like director Reeves “Esquire” stated he had heard and been inspired by Nirvana while writing the screenplay.

As he wondered how he could interpret Bruce Wayne differently than he had before, he thought of Kurt Cobain: “What if he’s in a tragedy and this guy gets so holed up we don’t know what he’s doing? Is he becoming a headstrong, reckless drug addict? The truth is, he’s some kind of addict. His drug is revenge. He’s like a Batman Kurt Cobain,” Reeves said.

Interestingly, noisy “NME” Nirvana also shaped Riddler actor Paul Dano and his take on the character after Reeves mentioned the band’s influence. The film shows some parallels between Bruce Wayne (Robert Pattinson) and the Riddler, the villain even describes himself and Batman as a team, and the fact that both characters were apparently inspired by the band completes the picture perfectly.

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