“The bathroom door was locked on him. The father of one of the children accused Mohammed Ramadan’s son of beating him.”


Saturday, September 21, 2024

Written by Mona Almogyi

Journalist Amr Adib, in a phone call to his show The Story, broadcast on MBC Egypt, interviewed the child’s father, Mohamed Salem, accusing the artist’s son, Mohamed Ramadan, of beating him in the club and revealed details of the incident. Events and latest developments.

Salem recounted how the argument started between two children, saying: “The fact is that it was an argument between children and it was basically a simple question, but don’t you know whose son I am? My son and a group of his colleagues were playing water games and someone almost hit my son and he intervened between the two and said, “Don’t you know whose son I am?” The children had a minor verbal argument and a minor fist fight.

The father of the victim child continued: “My son moved away and apparently another child called his father. In these cases, I believe that there are channels that follow customs and principles, where families sit together or the guardian talks to him in a friendly manner.” The child asked for help from the club management, but after an argument, my son stood aside and walked away. Another person caught up with them, opened the video, consulted my son and his friends and said: “They are these countries. The boy followed my son and locked him to the bathroom door with a chair, as we see in the movies, detaining a person, in this case a child. Is this illegal and will it be punished by law? Child, I will leave this to the prosecution. When they left, one of my son’s friends pulled him out of the bathroom and found the artist Mohammed Ramadan in their mouths. “

The father of the victim child added: “His son asked him for help and he came and entered my son and his colleagues, they took him out of the bathroom and started beating them in a threatening way. He took them away and he put his hands on both of their shoulders and asked who his son was in these countries. My son said to him, please remove your hands, he is his own child. “11 years old, an old man. His son consulted my son and whispered something in his son’s ear, but within a second, the boy took two steps forward and hit my son with a pen. One of the mothers heard the sound and said, “Oh. Lord, no one should touch a pen. “We have witnesses, these words are proven by pictures and forensic reports. He walked into his son’s house, saw him, and the mission was accomplished, of course. My son started crying hysterically. “

In his speech, Mohammed Salim pointed out that there were cameras in the club and he asked for them to be removed, but the government has not allowed him to view them yet and he has not received a clear response from them. He continued: “That’s why I turned to the department and then to the prosecution, the cameras should be removed, and there are witnesses, and the mother of the other child filed a formal complaint to the club and there are witnesses. “The club gave their testimony, I expected it to be stronger than this, when I said there was an abused child and the witnesses said that the other child was under a lot of pressure and people bullied him, I felt that he had problems, so I said I would “seek refuge from the judiciary so that my son can get justice.”

Regarding the boy’s health, his father said: “He has been hurt a lot psychologically, but thank God, he has started to get better because of the solidarity of his teammates and his team around him. Praise God, there are many people who have suffered misfortunes more serious than this, but insulting in public is a difficult thing for anyone to do, don’t worry about the behavior of a small child and an adult who should be there. “For my son to quarrel with another child, intervene to prepare things, and for another child to hit me with a pen, I am a middle class person, and this is how I grew up. “

Journalist Amr Adeeb confirmed that his show had communicated with the other party and was supposed to speak to the lawyer of the artist Mohamed Ramadan, but he disappeared. Amr stressed that the show is interested in presenting the words of both parties, and that the artist Mohamed Ramadan or his lawyer will have ample opportunity to respond at any time if they decide to intervene.

In the past few hours, a dispute between two children in the club, which ended in a fistfight, included the son of the artist Mohammed Ramadan, and the father of another child wrote a report accusing the son of the famous artist of hitting his son and asking him to fight. He demanded that the cameras in the club be removed to prove the incident and to fight for his son’s rights.



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