The banks will carry out a strike due to wage claims

bank workers They will carry out a strike before the end of February of this 2023 if their claims are not met, advanced the head of the Banking Association, Sergio Palazzo.

The general secretariat of the Banking Association (AB) was empowered to “take the necessary measures in defense of wages and legitimate rights”since they consider that the business chambers “still do not understand the needs of bank workers”.

Within this framework, they will meet next Tuesday the 14th “for the purposes of define the scope and set the date of the measures of force that will inexorably take place, during February”.

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“We still do not have satisfactory responses from the business sector in the joint hearing held on the day of the date. The banking chambers continue without hearing the workers and workers, while time continues to pass and the purchasing power of our salary is affected day by day,” the AB reported in a press release.

The union that represents bank workers also referred to the income tax and reaffirmed that “For this union, wages are not profit.”

Income Tax

“Let’s hope that the business sector, before discussing percentages, takes over a part of what the workers are paying in Income Tax. Until now the answer has been negative,” Palazzo said in an interview with El Destape.

The trade unionist added that the bank they might not “close last year’s parity, which had a review in December”, where an increase of 94.1% was agreed, “but it has not closed and we have received January without a wage increase from parity 2023, and due to the times we are reaching February and we will not be receiving “, hill.

The Banking Association also criticized that “the level of employment registered as banking is reduced and they are advancing in a fraudulent outsourcing scheme.”


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