The Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Nettuno establishes the new Young Members Group

Alright, here we go—a delightful romp into the exciting world of cooperative credit banks! Just when you thought banking couldn’t get more riveting, we’ve got the Cooperative Credit Bank of Neptune stepping onto the stage—no, not with a flashy dance number, but with something almost as bold: the Young Members Group!

Now, if you think “credit cooperation” sounds like a bad sci-fi movie title, fear not! This is all about giving young people a chance to flex their innovative muscles and stir up some meaningful engagement in the corporate life of the bank. It’s like a young, hipster version of a board meeting, except instead of bantering about balance sheets, they might work on their TikTok game!

The bank’s president, Aldo Anellucci, really believes in youth. And by youth, we mean those sprightly souls aged 35 or under—because clearly, anyone over that age is just sitting there siding with their pensions and complaining about the youth of today. Aldo’s quotes are dripping with optimism: “We want to create a space where young people can express their ideas.” Which sounds fantastic, but let’s be honest—if one of those ideas involves singing a musical about credit unions, I’d personally prefer a nice quiet spot in the back with my earplugs.

And what’s this? SMS engagement! Because if there’s one thing young people love more than posturing about their avocado toast, it’s receiving texts promoting financial literacy! The proposal to appoint coordinators of different genders is a refreshing twist. It’s almost like they heard gender diversity was a thing, and they wanted to throw it into the mix like extra sprinkles on a newly launched banking sundae.

But wait, there’s more! They’re not just planning on sitting around dreaming of a better banking experience; they’ll be involved in national events like the Young Members Forum. And let’s be real here—who wouldn’t want to mingle at a forum where they can discuss the finer points of cooperative credit while awkwardly avoiding eye contact with the person who just said they made a fortune in Bitcoin?

The bank is also committed to supporting these bright young minds with the ‘necessary resources’ for development. Perhaps they’ll even sponsor some brainstorming retreats where young members can sip lattes and throw in the occasional money talk alongside their Instagram-worthy brunch settings!

So, for the discerning young person itching to make a mark in their bank and community, Neptune’s Cooperative Credit Bank is offering a delightful invitation to roll up your sleeves, join the Young Members Group, and turn some of that youthful energy into innovation—before settling into a nice middle-age crisis of trying to figure out what to do with your vintage vinyl.

In closing, I must say—if this whole cooperative credit thing means more young people advocating for changes in how we think about banking, then sign me up. I might be pushing the age limit, but I can definitely provide comic relief!

And remember, if you want to join the revolution—or just want to know more—shoot an email off to [email protected] or give them a ring at 0698568205. Because what says "future of community" better than a corporation promising not to take your hard-earned dollars and spend it all on a gold-plated coffee machine? Cheers to that!

The Cooperative Credit Bank Of Neptune it constituted the new Young Members Group with the aim of actively involving young people in the cooperative and corporate life of the Bank. “This initiative – they explain from the credit institution – is aimed at promoting the values ​​of credit cooperation among the new generations, strengthening the sense of belonging and the active role of young members in the growth of the local community”.
Il Young Members Groupmade up of members aged 35 or under, will have the task of organizing and participating in socio-cultural and training events, promoting mutual awareness and the development of proactive participation in the life of the Bank. The initiative is inspired by the fundamental values ​​of Cooperative Credit, as outlined in Article 2 of the Bank’s Statute, and follows the guidelines of the Cooperative Credit Charter of Values.
Young members will be contacted by the Bank via SMS and, if interested, will be able to reply to confirm their membership of the Group and actively participate in the proposed initiatives. Approved by the Board of Directors, the project involves the appointment of two coordinators of different genders, who will have the task of representing the Group at the Board of Directors and proposing new initiatives for the benefit of the community.
We firmly believe in young people and their ability to bring innovation and new life to our cooperative community“, explains the President of the BCC Neptune Aldo Anellucci. “With the Young Members Group – continues – we want to create a space in which young people can express their ideas and actively contribute to the development of the Bank and the local area”.
The Group will also be involved in national events such as Young Members Forumorganized by Federcasseand other initiatives promoted by FederLUS. The BCC Nettuno is committed to supporting the new Group, providing the necessary resources for the development of projects and activities.
For more information, you can contact Cooperative Credit Bank of Neptune at address [email protected] or at number 0698568205.
BCC Nettuno – Together for the future of the community

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