The background to its deletion from the ND and its first placement

The background to its deletion from the ND and its first placement

The developments recorded in the last few hours in New Democracy, after the referral of Marios Salma to the ND disciplinary committee with the question of his deletion from the “blue” Parliamentary Group, have been dramatic.

ND MP, Marios Salmas, to be deleted – What he had said to “P” about the Government and bad loans

The meeting where he will formally ratify the deletion of Mr. Salma will be held at 12 o’clock on Monday morning, and comes after a series of his statements, which caused intense irritation in Megaros Maximos and harsh leaks from Piraeus.

Specifically, Mr. Salmas had denounced through OPEN and other television stations “photo contests for canteens of hospitals and archaeological sites”. the lowest bid, practically claiming to have no bidding process.

Angry leak from the government

Party sources explained that Salma’s impeachment referred to the following: Anti-parliamentary or anti-party or anti-colleague behavior that causes serious damage to the Party or another Member of Parliament.

As the same sources noted, “criticism is more than welcome in New Democracy. On the contrary, the repeated formulation of accusations for issues that have been answered in detail by the relevant Minister in Parliament, is directly contrary to the principles and values ​​of the faction and the way our parliamentary group operates. In addition, when someone, instead of addressing the competent prosecutor, continues to repeat baseless and unsupported accusations in the same way without presenting any evidence whatsoever, then this behavior is not only impermissible but also suspicious”.

In a communication that Mr. Salmas had with the OPEN presenter Nikos Stravelakis, the MP stated that he had not seen the indictment, so he apologized for it, he speculates that it is about his complaints about photo contests in canteens, while he explained that it is 25 MP for years and was always typical. He claimed that he has repeated what he reported to the ND Committee of Ministers, to the Prime Minister, while he says that he asked a question for which he had not received an answer. He stated that these are not simple complaints, but a documented case.

At this point, it is worth noting that Mr. Salmas, months ago, had an episode with Mr. Mitsotakis during the KO meeting. Then Mr. Salmas had asked: “Did you crack down on oil tax evasion?” Did you do anything for the many? I have nothing to do with the ministers, because the staff state is you and your five associates who send them the ready bills”.

The prime minister who immediately took the floor replied: “I will not accept such insinuations that we serve the few. We didn’t get 41% because we supported the few. We support the many.”

Additionally, he was among the 11 ND MPs who signed the question to Kostis Hatzidakis about the “red loans”.

ND: Blue “guerrilla” for red loans, Salmas – Vlachos in “P”

What Marios Salmas had said about the Government and bad loans

The deputy of Etoloakarnania – pr. if. Minister Marios Salmas, speaking to the newspaper “Peloponnisos” he referred to the red loans and the reasons he participated in this parliamentary initiative, even if all this translates, in essence, into an exercise of intra-party opposition to the Government, with him being clear: “Yes, it is a strict criticism of Mr. Hatzidaki, however, is not an opposition. It is a joint decision, taken by a group that has – if one adds up – 200 years of parliamentary experience, while most of us also have government tenure. We agreed with shared concerns, as the issue tends to the impasse.

Red loans concern more than 2 million of our citizens, i.e. half of Greece. There are now complaints that the Bank is coming to take houses and not paying taxes. These have nothing to do with Social Liberalism, which we advocate. Of course, not all cases are the same. There are those who try to settle outstanding issues and some who are irresponsible. But in the first case, we are clearly talking about crows coming to take your house!

Mr. Salmas also recalled his earlier exhortations to Prime Minister K. Mitsotakis… “to see the many and not the few”, while “he would consider himself co-responsible if he voted for things that were not dictated by his conscience and above all by the world , who has been electing him for so many years”.

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