The background before the parade

The Croat Baby Lasagnawho was ranked second in the competition, spoke on the podcast “Podcast Inkubator” together with the manager of the big favorite Krešimir Šustić, about what unfolded behind the scenes with this year’s participation of Israel. In fact, the Croatian representative mocked both Marina Satti, the winner Nemo and especially Bambie Thug, stating that he did not understand why they showed displeasure with Israel’s participation.

“This is the first time I’m talking about this. We waited in line for the parade and everything was fine. The representatives of Greece and Ireland were standing in their place and suddenly someone came by and took a video of them, I think someone from the Israeli mission. Bambie started yelling “Don’t video me!”, barking like a wild dog. And she was shouting that it’s a “celebration of love and peace” as she cried…we were all shocked. I personally bit my lip trying not to laugh. He was talking about love and peace while yelling and getting angry, unnecessary drama. In the end, Bambie, Nemo, and I don’t know who else, went to their rooms and cried. What’s up guys? We’re at Eurovision!”

“I don’t know why Bambie, Marina and Nemo were so upset with the Israeli mission. They weren’t that annoying, at least from what I saw. As for Bambie’s statement that it was videotaped, there were cameras everywhere and everyone was taking pictures of everyone. I just found it strange that he was talking about peace while acting with anger and frustration.”

After his sharp statements, Marina Satti’s reaction was to unfollow the artist, just like Nemo and Bambie Thug. Baby Lasagna did the same, of course, to all of the aforementioned.

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#background #parade



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