The average number of people per household in Paraguay fell from 5.4 in 1950 to 3.5 in 2022, according to INE data

Asuncion, IP Agency.- In Paraguay, households are experiencing a process of reduction in size, mainly due to the decrease in the number of children. A systematic decline is observed; in 1950, the average household size was 5.4 people; in the 1990s it was 4.8 and in 2022 it is 3.5 people, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE).

The average number of children per woman in 1950 was 6.5; in 1990 it was 4.3; and in 2016 it was 2.5. This process of reduction in female fertility has a rapid effect on the population structure, producing a lower weight or percentage of the minor population, grouped into babies, children and adolescents, explains the INE.

The 2022 Population Census indicates that the preliminary number of inhabitants in Paraguay is 6,109,644 people, of which 3,078,994 are men and 3,030,650 are women.

The main data on the current population structure indicate that the population aged 0 to 14 years old represents 24.3%; the population aged 15 to 64 years old represents 66.9% and the population aged 65 years and older represents 8.8%.

In recent decades, the so-called “Demographic Bonus” has gained great importance, which is explained as a kind of available population balance, made up of a population of potential working and producing age.

This potential impact, which represents an opportunity or advantage for economic growth, is presented as a unique and historic phenomenon in the future of the population, since it can lead to a boost in savings or an accelerated accumulation of capital and a reduction in spending on dependent persons.

In short, the combined effect of this “bonus” with that of effective policies in other areas can stimulate economic growth. Many developing countries, like ours, thus have the opportunity to turn the demographic transition into economic benefit.

The region has been undergoing a process of significant population changes, and Paraguay is no exception.

Population changes mean that as people are born, die or move, they affect or modify the rate of population growth year following year, while also modifying the composition by age and sex (number of children, young people, adults and older adults).

Depending on the level of changes that have occurred in all countries, certain stages or phases are established or identified, called stages of demographic transition.

Most countries in Latin America and the Caribbean are undergoing a full demographic transition, while others, the older ones, are undergoing an advanced transition.

Paraguay is in the first phase, in full transition, experiencing important changes, especially in the level of birth and death, explains the INE in the framework of World Population Day, which is commemorated every July 11.

#average #number #people #household #Paraguay #fell #INE #data
2024-07-17 13:15:36



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