The Attorney General’s Office Reveals Investigation Results into the Mysterious Death of Colonel Óscar Darío Dávila

2023-06-21 12:27:57
The Attorney General’s Office delivers the results of the investigation into the death of Colonel Óscar Darío Dávila

Almost 12 days after the mysterious death of Lieutenant Colonel of the National Police Óscar Dávila, who was attached to the Casa de Nariño and was involved in the scandal involving Laura Sarabia (former head of the Presidency office), on the morning of Wednesday, June 21, the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation revealed details of the autopsy to which the body of the deceased policeman was subjected.

Since Colonel Dávila passed away on June 9, the versions about the reason for his death have been a mystery. For example, the lawyer Miguel Ángel del Río, who was going to represent the uniformed officer in any possible investigations of him, assured that the deceased committed suicide; hypothesis that was supported by President Gustavo Petro and his Defense Minister, Iván Velásquez.

The deputy attorney general of Colombia, Martha Mancera, will be in charge of revealing whether Colonel Dávila actually died by suicide or was it a homicide, events that have been extensively investigated by the prosecution body. For now, the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences has not delivered a definitive report but, days ago, it reiterated that Dávila’s death was violent.

Since the beginning of this week, the Prosecutor’s Office has summoned several people involved in the case, such as Colonel Carlos Alberto Feria, head of Presidential Protection, who through his defense assured that when Dávila’s death was recorded, he was not in Colombia.

“I cannot refer to the details of the procedure, since it is a reserved procedure, but we do not know if it was the last conversation. But that day Colonel Feria had a birthday and Colonel Dávila wrote to wish him a happy birthday. That was perhaps the last of the conversations, but in the morning hours. Colonel Feria was on a special mission in Cuba, with the President of the Republic, and he only found out when they landed in Catam,” explained Feria’s lawyer, Marlon Díaz.

In minutes the final opinion of the Prosecutor’s Office on the subject will begin:

News in development…

#death #Colonel #Óscar #Dávila #homicide #suicide #Prosecutors #Office #reveals #conclusion #Legal #Medicine

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