“The attacks of judges and spies do not weaken it” –

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Edoardo Sirignano

«What matters in the consensus on Fratelli d’Italia is not so much the party itself, but the trust in Giorgia Meloni. If this force were to be voted only by voters who, ideologically, feel close to the positions of the right, it would be in the range between 7 and 8 percent. We are talking, however, about a political entity that, at present, fluctuates between 29 and 30 percent. This means that there is twenty percent of the electorate who votes in a certain way only because they appreciate a prime minister who, despite failing to achieve her objective, rolls up her sleeves.” Pollster Antonio Noto said so.

Why do those compatriots who, every day, complain about inflation, the economy not taking off, the lack of development and so on, continue to have faith in the Fdi leader?
«The truth is that a voter does not choose to vote for a leader just because he has achieved a goal. Indeed, as recent national political history teaches us, the opposite often happens. Just look at what happened with citizenship income. In this case, although the Movement has kept its promise to voters, it has lost appeal. Consensus formation occurs on other variables.”

«The citizen wants a political leader who puts his face to it, gets his hands dirty, has the skills to reach the set goal and, in this sense, Meloni has given precisely this idea. That’s why his honeymoon isn’t over yet.”

Is there a theme, in particular, that demonstrates what you claim?
«The community perceives this modus operandi almost everywhere. The Prime Minister, on the other hand, acts at three hundred and sixty degrees. It ranges from being a victim of dossiers to having to deal with national and international emergencies. There is no single event that strengthens or diminishes the reputation of a president, but a series of factors that have an impact.”

What, for example, is the perception of this increasingly heated clash between the judiciary and Palazzo Chigi?
«Meloni’s story, attacked by judges, by strong powers, by those who want to spy on her, allows her to create a sentimental bond with the people, who perceive her as a victim. This allows her to gain in terms of sympathy and empathy. There has always been a tendency to take the side of the weakest, of those who, according to the narrative, are attacked without a valid reason.”

Is this the only aspect that has allowed you to make a leap in quality in terms of satisfaction?
«Another aspect that should not be underestimated is the judgment on competence, which is worth more than the achievement of the objective itself. According to public opinion, the executive fails mainly because there is someone or something that prevents it. This can be seen in the most varied sectors, from the economy, through work to welfare. Italians see in Meloni a woman they can trust, while the same does not happen towards those who oppose her.”

There are those who claim that Giorgia has stolen consensus especially from her centre-right allies. Do you agree?
«In my opinion there are no winners or losers in the majority, especially in this particular phase. It was probably there before 2022, but then almost nothing changed.”

This means that only the left is weak, struggling to find itself…
«We are faced with a fragmented opposition. The perception of a broad divided field, at this moment, certainly does not help the minority. The way to ensure that the left becomes competitive again lies, without a shadow of a doubt, in finding each other immediately. There is an increase in those who perceive this coalition as a large container which, unfortunately, collects everything and the opposite of everything.”

Doesn’t this excess of heterogeneity risk generating confusion in the historic progressive base?
«The strength of the centre-right, at present, is that of being able to count on Meloni who, in a certain sense, is a good team leader.
The left, on the other hand, does not have it. There are those who think that the leader is Schlein, some Conte, some Calenda, some Fratoianni and some Renzi.”

Speaking of Terzo Polo, isn’t it at risk of becoming a problem for the centre-right?
“By failing to arise, it only ends up benefiting the right which finds real grasslands in the moderate electorate.”

#attacks #judges #spies #weaken #Tempo

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