The Assembly rejects the LFI motion of censure, the text adopted

2023-11-04 16:04:44

The National Assembly rejected on Saturday, in an almost deserted hemicycle, the motion of censure of La France insoumise tabled in response to 49.3 triggered by Élisabeth Borne on the “expenses” part and the entire Social Security budget. This 23rd motion of censure faced by the Prime Minister obtained 89 votes out of the 289 required to bring down the government. This rejection constitutes adoption at first reading of the Social Security Financing Bill (PLFSS).

Increase in health insurance expenses

A budget “of renunciation and austerity, carried by a minority government”, for the authors of the motion, defended by Damien Maudet (LFI). She had almost no chance of collecting the 289 votes necessary, while Republican executives are reluctant to vote on a motion on a budget text.

The Social Security financing bill (PLFSS) will then be examined in the Senate. It notably foresees a Social Security deficit larger than in the last financing law in April, estimated at 8.8 billion euros in 2023, then 11.2 billion in 2024. The accounts are weighed down in particular by the increase in Health Insurance expenses.


If it contains consensual measures for the deployment of the papillomavirus vaccination campaign at schools, free condoms for those under 26, or even the reimbursement of reusable periodic protection for women under 26 , certain measures of the PLFSS tense the oppositions.

It notably includes the possibility of suspending an insured’s daily allowances when a doctor mandated by his employer judges his work stoppage to be unjustified, or the reduction of reimbursement in the event of refusal of shared medical transport.

Another measure crystallized the opposition’s criticisms, without appearing in the text: the possible doubling of the remainder payable by policyholders for medicines (currently 50 cents per box) and consultations (1 euro).

#Assembly #rejects #LFI #motion #censure #text #adopted



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