The arrest of a young man in his twenties practicing online vice with a beautiful Jordanian girl.. After he completed his enjoyment, the unthinkable happened!

A Jordanian court has issued a 7-year prison sentence against a young man in his twenties, after he was charged with the felony of indecent assault, repeated 5 times.

In the details of the case reported by the local “Roya” website, the young man published explicit photos and videos of a 14-year-old girl; What prompted her to attempt suicide by taking 40 pills, before being treated in hospital and saving her life.

The girl had met the accused, last year, through the “Instagram” website, and then they began communicating by phone, until the accused jokingly asked to marry her, and she also agreed, and then he started asking her to send her nude pictures, which she did in response to him.

After that, the accused exchanged sexual conversations with the girl, after which she sent him a video clip showing her body.

After that, the girl asked him to end the relationship between them, but the young man asked her to meet her to practice vice, which she refused, so he threatened to send the pictures to her mother.

The accused also sent a picture of his naked body, in addition to sending a picture of weapons with the aim of threatening.

According to the “Roya” website, the accused sent the girl’s videos and photos to the phone of her brother’s friend, where the latter informed the girl’s brother.

After the girl’s brother watched the videos and photos, the girl drank 40 pills with the aim of committing suicide for fear of her mother, until she was rescued.

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After that, the girl told her mother what had happened and a complaint was filed against the accused, as the young man and the phone were seized, and upon unpacking its content, the photos and videos of the victim were found.

The High Criminal Court issued a ruling against the twenty-year-old, placing him in temporary labor for 7 years, after incriminating him with the felony of indecent assault, a decision that was upheld by the Court of Cassation.

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