The Archbishop of Mercedes-Luján apologized for the confusion caused by the Mass for Cristina

A strong pro-government turnout, led by the president Albert Fernandez, surrounded in the Basilica of Lujan the mass for peace and fraternity, in which they prayed for Vice President Cristina Kirchner, ten days following the attack she suffered in front of her home. The Archbishop of Mercedes-Luján, Monsignor Jorge Eduardo Scheinig, warned that the country is facing “an extremely delicate time and social peace is fragile and threatened.” But in a self-criticism that drew attention, apologized for the sloppiness of the call, that generated confusion and led the main opposition leaders not to participate in the celebration.

“I was wrong, I screwed up”, said the archbishop regarding the end of the celebration, admitting mistakes in the preparations for the initiative, which caused discomfort in sectors of the Church. As is often the case in the Church, disagreement is not reflected in high-sounding statements, but rather in suggestive silences.

Archbishop Scheinig explained that the Argentine Episcopal Conference decided to promote during this weekend throughout the country a prayer for peace and brotherhood, to accompany the More for Less collection, although a central celebration was not thought of. “When the mayor of Luján suggested that I do this mass, I said yes. But the scope of the mass grew and I want to apologize, “he said, in a message addressed not only to those present, but surely to those who did not share the meaning of the celebration, interpreted as a transfer to Kirchnerist interests.

The invitation of the Episcopate did not motivate similar celebrations in other dioceses, so the convocation in Luján was not accompanied by the majority of the bishops.. Scheinig explained that the organization started from the mayor of Luján, Edward Boto (Frente de Todos), in a call “open to all political forces”. In addition to the President, the Buenos Aires governor, Axel Kicillof, and the Minister of the Interior, Edward “Wado” Of Peter, among others.

Alberto Fernández and Eduardo Duhalde in the Basilica of Lujánpresidency

Next to Fernández was the former president Eduardo Duhalde, who had to lead the country following the serious emergency of December 2001. His presence helped to strengthen the scenario laid out by Archbishop Scheinig in his message, in which he made reference to that crisis and called for “Break the deadly circle of fatalism.” He also insisted that “prayer for peace and brotherhood is urgent.”

“If we close, let’s go to shock, to confrontation, to dissolution. if we open up [al diálogo]we can meet, listen to each other, dialogue, work for the common good, strengthen democracy and rebuild with hope the wounded homeland”, the archbishop said, citing passages from Francis’ encyclical Fratelli tutti. He was accompanied by the Episcopal Vicar for the Villas de Emergence, Bishop Gustavo Carrara, and several priests who make up the team of villero priests. There was also the presence of dignitaries of other religious confessions.

Formed in the diocese of San Isidro, Schenig, 63 years old, worked several years with Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio in the urban pastoral of the metropolitan area. Francis appointed him to the archdiocese of Mercedes-Luján, first as auxiliary bishop in 2017, and two years later as archbishop. In the Episcopate he is a member of the Social Pastoral Commission.

The Archbishop asked that the message will not be misunderstood that the Church gave with the celebration of the mass. “Millions of pilgrims come here from all social realities, from all political parties and social movements. The Virgin of Luján is the guarantor of the unity of the Argentine people. No one should be left outside the Casa de María in Luján,” she pointed out.

In the same Basilica of Luján they met in December 2019 Mauricio Macri and Alberto Fernandez, in a mass that shared two days before of the transfer of power, a gesture that was far away in time. This celebration was led by the President of the Episcopate, Monsignor Oscar Ojea.

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