The appointment of the government commissioner responsible for Roma relations, Attila Sztojka, was revoked

The measure will be effective from September 1. It doesn’t turn out From the Hungarian Gazettewho is appointed to the post.

Attila Stójka was appointed as the government commissioner for Roma relations for the second time in June 2022, half a year after Népszava published an audio recording, which, according to the paper, was made when Attila Stójka was the government commissioner for Roma relations – who was also the director general of the Directorate General for Social Opportunities under the Ministry of the Interior. – in a hotel in Budapest, he met with the representatives of the National Roma Self-Government belonging to Lungo Drom.

In the recording, at the beginning of which Attila Stójka is introduced by name, according to the paper the politician sharply criticizes János Agócs, the president of the National Roma Self-Government (ORÖ), promises contracts to “within circle” to Roma representatives and says that as BM “I know a lot about everyone. I also know when he spoke to whom and how.”

Szabad Európa also wrote about János Agócs, how his political opponent, László Farkas, the mayor of Tiszabura, framed him. He told him that he would buy the position of ORÖ president for a bribe of HUF 18 million, and then turned to the prosecutor’s office. When receiving the money, Agócs was caught in the act. You can read more about the case here.

The government commissioner later said about the recording that a conversation about the near-bankruptcy of the Roma municipality and the Roma academy can be heard on it.

After the recording was made public Member of Parliament Ákos Hadházy filed a report on suspicion of abuse of office and blackmail.



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