the application begins in the province of Buenos Aires

The Buenos Aires Ministry of Health recalled that the flu vaccine and the Covid-19 vaccine are compatible.

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The Buenos Aires Ministry of Health recalled that the flu vaccine and the Covid-19 vaccine are compatible.

The Buenos Aires Ministry of Health announced this Monday the start of the flu vaccination campaign and called for completing the calendar of annual doses as “an act of care and solidarity to protect our lives and that of the people we love most.” All prioritized groups can be vaccinated for free at health centers in the 135 municipalities of the province.

The health portfolio offers information on the closest points of each neighbor or neighbor through its Web page to complete the vaccination schedule. “Vaccines activate the body’s natural defenses, reduce the risk of contracting diseases and save lives,” highlights the call for the start of the anti-flu campaign.

The ministry led by Nicolás Kreplak recalled that the flu vaccine and the Covid-19 vaccine are compatible and they can be applied without intervals between them and it was indicated that a medical order is not required. However, those who have the disease must wait for the medical and epidemiological discharge.

What are the prioritized groups?

  • Healthcare professionals
  • Pregnant and puerperal people
  • Boys and girls from 6 to 24 months
  • Population with risk factors who are between 2 and 64 years old
  • Over 65 years old

As the flu strain mutates year after year, it is necessary to repeat the vaccination annually. Meanwhile, for those who wish to take preventive measures during the winter – a time when flu cases increase -, the recommendations issued by the authorities to avoid contagion are the same as those to avoid Sars-CoV-2: correct use of a chinstrap, frequent hand washing and adequate ventilation of environments.

In addition to the flu vaccine, people over 65 years of age and those with risk conditions can also receive the Pneumococcal vaccine simultaneously.

the national campaign

The national government officially launched the anti-flu campaign on Friday, March 25, and began distributing the first million doses of drugs in the 24 jurisdictions. In total, the National State acquired 9.6 million flu vaccines to guarantee free application to the target population.

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As a general guideline, health personnel began to be immunized first, and now the second stage continues to reach the other target groups. The private sector will also offer the flu vaccine and those who are not within the prioritized groups will be able to get it there.

In the City of Buenos Aires, the vaccines will be applied in public hospitals and health centers free of charge for the specified sectors. To access it, it is necessary to present the documentation that guarantees the existence of a pre-existing disease, in the age groups that are vaccinated if they have risk factors, and the health or vaccination book.

In Córdoba, influenza vaccination will be available in the 800 existing vaccination clinics in the province and in private centers authorized by the Ministry of Health. Until this Friday, the province received 81,700 doses.

For its part, Santa Fe is going to start the vaccination operation at the Iturraspe hospital, by immunizing health personnel. In this first stage, 88,480 vaccines were distributed throughout the province.

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