The Apple Vision Pro is the best failure the company has ever released

2024-02-10 13:30:00

Since June last year, with the announcement of the Apple Vision Pro At WWDC23, most discussions regarding the product (including the ones I hosted) focused on two issues: the price and the lack of practical use to justify its existence.

In the article I wrote regarding what the Galaxy Z Fold5 can tell us regarding the future of Apple Vision Pro, I addressed these points and commented, in general terms, on the expectation of the most obvious evolutions that we should see in the coming years in the Apple Vision line: more options of devices, reduction the entry barrier, advance technology to address weight, range and size limitations, and maturation of the market to find the segments where using the headset will prove to be truly productive, rather than an expensive eccentricity for enthusiasts.

Thinking regarding these limitations, among the multiple reactions to the Apple Vision Pro that have been expressed in recent weeks, perhaps Marques Brownlee’s was the most accurate.

Brownlee noted that people have spent the last few years complaining that the world of technology is boring and lacking in new things, and argued that the Apple Vision Pro is precisely Apple’s response to these criticisms. 1Not that she created the Apple Vision Pro for cause this criticism, but you understand..

According to him, here is the company investing in something different, risky and fun, in a relatively new segment compared to the mature smartphone market — and this is great for technology evolution. Wrong, he’s not.

Before and following

If you haven’t watched the videos do MacMagazine regarding Apple Vision Pro, I highly recommend you do this. Afterwards, it’s worth taking a look at the toppings made by the always creative Joanna Sternby the consistently skeptical Nilay Patel and, of course, by the obligatory Marques Brownlee.

Anyone who watched all these videos and, especially those who had already been following the expectations of all these people in relation to the Apple Vision Pro, must have noticed that there is a very well-defined before and following in relation to expectations and reactions to the product.

If before, questions always revolved around price and usefulness, following use, everyone seems to reach the same conclusion: these were not the right questions. Not because they’ve concluded that it’s worth paying $3,500 for an Apple Vision Pro. It’s obvious that it’s not worth it. The truth is that it wasn’t made for you or me to buy. But is it worth getting a chance to try it? Undoubtedly.

In the videos of MMboth Rafa and Edu talk more than once regarding how same With the help of screenshots, it is impossible to show or even verbalize the immersive experience provided by Apple Vision Pro.

Not so quick note: Do other headsets also provide immersive experiences? Yes. More limited 2After all, no other headset currently available on the market packs the same amount of technologies to offer the same amount of functions and experiences., however, similar. Whether all these technologies are necessary, time will tell. But it is what it is, and the technologies are impressive.

And we cannot forget that most of the people who will test or buy the Apple Vision Pro have never used a product or even been interested in the immersive market. For them, it doesn’t matter what came before. The Apple Vision Pro will be their first contact with immersive technology, and it is unlikely to be a disappointing experience.

Thinking regarding this, it starts to make sense that not even the most obvious limitations, such as terrifying Personaswere enough to undermine the almost unanimous good impressions reported in the first reviews of the Apple Vision Pro.

It would be easy to dedicate much of the analysis to how terrible the function is Persona? Undoubtedly. But what new would this bring compared to what we all already know and can see? In all the reviews, it is clear that right following the first use, some little key becomes something that makes the limitations of the Apple Vision Pro almost irrelevant, compared to the rest of the possibilities it opens up.

More than that, in all the reviews, each in their own way, the creators treat the Apple Vision Pro as a kind of tasting menu of technologies and interactions that will inevitably be part of the daily lives of future generations. And when I say next generations, I don’t mean the “Apple Vision Pro 2”, but rather our children and grandchildren.

Looking at this spectrum, sticking to the limitations of the Apple Vision Pro seems as productive and short-sighted as having promoted debates regarding the size of mainframes in the 1940s, the real need for someone to buy a TV set to replace the radio at home in that same decade, or the historical articles that permeate this text.

Spatial computing

As part of the communication plan that Maçã prepared to differentiate the Apple Vision Pro from the rest of the immersive headset category, it has been using the term spatial computing instead of virtual, augmented, mixed reality, etc.

Even she doesn’t know exactly what spatial computing really means. And maybe that’s the point. Right now, playing with positioning 2D windows in the 3D environment around us may seem fun and interesting, but it is comparable to playing with the multitouch or with the accelerometer of the first iPhone. In the case of Apple Vision Pro, this does not reflect 1% of the interaction potential offered by an immersive product in which literally everything is possible in three dimensions.

Over time, and naturally, developers and users will identify the best way to deal with interfaces in three dimensions, in the same way that we evolve the use of our iPhones as we become accustomed to the possibilities opened up by the hardware.

Hand an iPhone to a child these days and they won’t even notice 99% of the technologies that, just a few years ago, drew applause from the audience the day they were announced. Looking ahead from this perspective, it’s easy to imagine that, in the next decade, all the technologies built into Apple Vision Pro will seem equally commonplace.

And what do you know? We are lucky to have the chance to witness this process.


#Apple #Vision #Pro #failure #company #released



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