The appearance of these symptoms in the feet requires you to go to the hospital immediately

Although most suffer from pain in the feet, and these pains often do not cause concern, a doctor revealed that if a person suffers from a group of symptoms in the feet and he has diabetes, he should immediately go to the hospital.


According to Sky News Arabia, it is necessary for people with diabetes to take care of their feet more than others, because they may suffer from what is known as “diabetic neuropathy”, a type of nerve damage that may lead to nerve damage throughout the body.

Diabetic neuropathy occurs with high blood sugar levels, which over time destroy nerves in the body.

Symptoms of illness

Those with this health problem suffer from several symptoms, such as numbness and pain in the feet, as if the needles are inserted into the body, and the dangerous thing is that when a person loses sensation in his foot, he will often not notice the wound that infects him.

Diabetics should watch for any cuts, ulcers, red spots, or blisters full of fluid or deformities affecting the nails, as they lead to infection or sepsis and may lead to amputation.

foot attack

Endocrinology and diabetes consultant Mushtaq Abdel Rahman said that this can be referred to as a “foot attack”, so the patient must go to the hospital immediately before this happens.

He pointed out that the patient usually comes to the hospital with a red, swollen foot, infected with an inflamed ulcer that can spread quickly, and can lead to a significant ill health, and infect him with what is known as “sepsis”, which is one of the causes leading to death if it is not dealt with quickly. In a less serious case, it may lead to amputation of the feet.

He called on diabetics or those who have neuropathy and face numbness in the feet or the presence of ulcers or swelling there, to go to the hospital immediately in this case.

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