The apologies of Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands after the error made by the security team of his daughter, Princess Amalia

The safety of Princess Amalia of the Netherlands This is one of the issues that has most concerned the country’s royal family in recent years. The young royal has suffered threats of kidnapping by the Dutch mafia, something that has caused great concern to her family and forced the eldest daughter of Máxima of the Netherlands to take refuge in Spain for a year.


The bittersweet meeting of King Felipe and Princess Amalia of the Netherlands: gestures of affection and a bitter end

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This fear has caused a very unpleasant incident which has directly affected the presenter of Dutch radio NPO Blend, Serginio Piqué.

Amalia of Holland. (EFE / SEM VAN DER WAL)

As reported this week by the media outlet Het Parool, the incident took place on August 2. Piqué was driving a rented car with a group of friends through the centre of Antwerp when armed men wearing balaclavas stopped the group and forced them out of the vehicle at gunpoint. They were forced to kneel and put their hands on their heads. The reason was that the presenter and his companions They had unwittingly taken the same route as Princess Amalia. was traveling from Amsterdam to Antwerp, something that aroused suspicion in the security service of the Dutch royal family, who did not hesitate to inform the Belgian authorities.

The police not only stopped the car, but handcuffed and took the entire group to a police station where they were interrogated for an hour.

Speaking to the Daily Mail, Serginio’s lawyer, Vito Shukrula, revealed that after the unpleasant episode, The announcer and his friends have received an apology from a spokesman for the Dutch royal familyafter the radio presenter confessed to Dutch media outlet NOS that he had come to think that the police’s actions could have been laden with a racist attitude: “A lot of things go through your mind. You start to wonder if maybe there was racial discrimination. It’s a feeling that every person of colour experiences when they are stopped unfairly. They could have put up a stop sign for us. Then they could have searched our car and we would have been done in two minutes.”

Serginio did not find out the reason for his arrest until he arrived at the police station. After being declared innocent, the presenter said that the police told him: “Go and enjoy Antwerp, you have a good story to tell at Christmas.”

Speaking to the Daily Mail, Serginio’s lawyer revealed that the Dutch royal family described the incident as an “unfortunate consequence of the need to protect the royal house.”

Maxima, Amalia and Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands during their trip to the Caribbean. (Getty Images)

She added: “Yesterday we received a call from the Royal Family’s personal spokesperson. She told us that King Willem-Alexander wants us to know that the Dutch Royal Family understands how deeply terrifying this experience must have been for my client and his friends. Furthermore, the King wanted us to know that he expresses his solidarity on behalf of the Royal Family and that he recognises that my client and his friends have become victims.” “My client has accepted the Royal Family’s personal apology and we will not be taking any further legal action as we have achieved what we wanted, which is to recognition for the terrible and unjust detention from my client and his friends.”



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