The annals of competitions 2023

2023-06-01 13:22:53

The annals of competitions 2023

[[Important : Les fichiers ayant une taille supérieure à 1 Méga (ou Mo) demandent du temps pour être téléchargés. Il s’agit souvent des notes de synthèse et des notes administratives avec dossiers.

Les concours administratifs
Le descriptif et le programme des épreuves sont disponibles sur les fiches synthétiques de nos concours

[1] Important : Files larger than 1 Mega (or MB) take time to download. These are often briefing notes and administrative notes with files.

Administrative competitions
The description and the program of the tests are available on the summary sheets of our competitions

External, internal competition and 3rd competition for health and social action inspector (IASS)
External and internal competition for sanitary studies engineer (IES)
Senior Administrative Secretary External Competition (SACS)
Higher Class Administrative Secretary Internal Competition (SACS)

|State nursing competition (CIE)|



#annals #competitions



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