On the official Twitter account for the anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Junji Ito, Uzumaki (Uzumaki: Spiral into Horror), a press release was released announcing that the project will be delayed once more as the production team needs more time to replicate the quality of the manga’s intricate designs and detailed line work. The team added that they do not want to compromise the quality of the series and deliver a “lackluster final product.”
The statement wrote:
- Thank you all for your interest and positive feedback on our Uzumaki anime adaptation. Unfortunately, the premiere date of the series has to be pushed back once more.
- In order to replicate the quality of the intricate designs and detailed line work of Mr. Itou’s classic manga, director Nagahama and the production team have requested more time to properly recreate Itou’s masterpiece.
- Although we would like to deliver this series to the public as soon as possible, we do not want to compromise its quality by delivering a mediocre final product.
- We remain fully committed to completing this work at the highest level. We’ll come back with a firm release date once we’re sure this adaptation is as good as we know it can be. Thank you for your continued patience and support.
In fact, the series was scheduled to premiere in 2020, and in July of that year it was announced that it would be delayed until 2021, followed by a delay announced in June 2021. The four-episode mini-series is scheduled to air on via programming block Toonami before its official release in Japan. For its part, the manga previously inspired a live-action movie adaptation starring Eriko Hatsune y Fan Fhireleased in the year 2000.
list of voices
- Uki Satake como Kirie Goshima.
- Shinichiro Miki como Shuichi Saito.
- Toshio Furukawa like Kirie’s father.
- Takashi Matsuyama as Shuichi’s father.
- Mika Doi como Yukie Saito.
- Maria Ise como Azami Kurotami.
- Katsuhoshi Matsuzaki como Katayama.
- Wataru Hatano like Okada.
- Tatsumaru Tachibana like Tsumur.
- Kouichi Toochika como Yokota.
- Ami Fukushima como Shiho.
Production team
- Hiroshi Nagahama (Mushi-Shi) is in charge of directing the anime at the studios Drive.
- Colin Stetson is in charge of composing the soundtrack.
- The studies Production I.G USA and the programming block Adult Swim is co-producing this adaptation.
Uzumaki Synopsis
In the town of Kurouzu-cho, Kirie Goshima lives a relatively normal life with his family. However, one day as she was walking to the station to meet her boyfriend, Shuuichi Saito, she notices her father staring at a snail shell in an alley. Without giving it much importance, she Kirie tells Shuuichi regarding the situation, to which he replies that her father has also been acting very strange. Shuuichi also reveals his desire to escape the village with Kirie, claiming that people have become obsessed with spirals. But his father’s obsession with him soon turns deadly, beginning a chain of horrific and inexplicable events.
Fuente: Official Twitter Account
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