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On the planet side, it’s really not a party this month: Jupiter and Saturn are opposite the Sun and are not visible. You will therefore have to be satisfied with a planet Venus and a weak planet Mars visible in the early morning before sunrise.
Let’s rejoice anyway because it will be a good time to see the planet Mercure in the morning sky. On February 16, Mercury reaches its greatest elongation, which means that Mercury will be far enough from the Sun in the sky not to be too dazzled by the rays of our star. With the naked eye or with binoculars, you will see a small luminous point, but with the telescope you will be able to see the phases of Mercury very well. It’s time to have a little thought for the European probe Bepi Colombo which is approaching Mercury and which will enter orbit around this small planet in 2025.
Constellations to observe during the next month ?
The winter sky slowly begins to tilt towards the west and the spring sky appears on the eastern horizon with, for example, the constellation of Leo. This month, let’s go to the South Sea, quite simply because the constellations we are going to talk regarding are not visible in Europe, for example. In antiquity, astronomers like Ptolemy had described the very vast constellation of the Ship located under the constellation Canis Major. This ship was supposed to represent the Argo, a ship used in Greek mythology by Jason and the Argonauts. Due to its size, this constellation no longer exists today. In the middle of the 18th century, Nicolas-Louis de la Caille divided this ship into 3 constellations, the Carina, the Stern and the Sails. This month, go on this ship and discover more particularly the Carina with its very bright star Canopus which is supposed to represent the rudder. If you get lost, try to find the compass constellation right next to the stern and the sails.
Other astronomical phenomena not to be missed
On the evening of March 3, barely an hour following sunset, the very young moon will show the most persevering a very fine lunar crescent, which will be like a very fine comma clinging to the sky. Try to detect this pretty crescent above the western horizon using a pair of binoculars. The few days following March 3, the Moon will be magnificent with a beautiful earthshine. I remind you that this ashy light is the light of the sun reflected by the Earth and which thus illuminates the Moon. Another lunar appointment, on February 27 before sunrise, a pretty crescent will accompany Venus and Mars.
New astronomical telescope put into play
A new astronomical telescope is once once more put into play thanks to our partners SSVI and RFI. To participate, send on our page Facebook Astronomy Africa your most beautiful photos or videos, or even a nice text that you have written. The winner will be announced on April 15, 2022.