The AMPCPP calls for the strengthening of the partnership between Moroccan local authorities and their African counterparts

Saturday, June 25, 2022 at 6:37 PM

Rabat – The president of the Moroccan Association of Presidents of Prefectural and Provincial Councils (AMPCPP), Abdelaziz Derouiche, called, recently in Paris, for the strengthening of partnership relations between Moroccan local authorities and their African counterparts within the framework of the South-South cooperation.

Mr. Derouiche, who led a delegation from the AMPCPP, also made up of the Association’s treasurer, Abdelouahed Khalouki, to attend the 13th edition of the “Meetings for the international action of local authorities (RAICT)” (20-21 June), postponed at the last minute for technical reasons, took advantage of the presence of many presidents of African local authorities to hold a working meeting and bilateral meetings with certain African delegations representing in particular Mali, Senegal, Togo, Guinea-Bissau, Cameroon, Nigeria and Congo.

Highlighting the content of the message sent by HM King Mohammed VI to the participants in the Launching Conference of the African Sovereign Investors Forum (ASIF), held in Rabat on June 20, Mr. Derouiche underlined on this occasion that the AMPCPP was ready to support African local authorities in the choice of their Moroccan partners with whom they can work in synergy and implement joint projects, indicates a press release from the AMPCPP.

These meetings were also an opportunity to examine the possibilities of establishing bilateral relations between Moroccan prefectural councils and African local authorities, through partnership and cooperation agreements within the framework of the African Cooperation Support Fund. Decentralized, set up by the General Directorate of Territorial Communities of the Moroccan Ministry of the Interior.

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In this sense, the President of the AMPCPP urged his African counterparts to participate in the third edition of the call for projects, launched by the African Support Fund for Decentralized Cooperation on May 9, 2022 and which will end on May 9, 2022. August 2022, intended for Moroccan local authorities wishing to establish partnership relations with their African counterparts within the framework of South-South cooperation, the main objective of which is to improve the living conditions of the local population, as well as the institutional strengthening of local authorities.

The participants, for their part, expressed their joy and their gratitude for the proposal of the President of the AMPCPP and thanked the Kingdom of Morocco for its permanent support to African countries, the statement concludes.

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