The Amicale lotto has filled up

The Brunels friendly lotto, organized every year on Palm Sunday, has resumed its rights this year. For three years, it had been canceled due to the pandemic, even if the viruses are much less aggressive in the foothills of the Montagne Noire. To resume this evening, the Amicale had found a partner, in this case the Club des Aînés Verdunois, always available when it comes to finding friends from the canton. A great success bringing together 200 participants, and the luckiest were able to benefit from the attractive prizes prepared by the two associations. At half-time, “homemade” headsets and coffee were offered and delighted all present. A beautiful evening in a busy room, with atmosphere sometimes even caused by a capricious microphone. Thank you to the volunteers for having reconnected with this famous Rameaux lotto, thank you to the public who came in large numbers, and see you next year.

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