The American president’s threat to close social media platforms? The main reason came out

The American president’s threat to close social media platforms? The main reason came out

US President Donald Trump has threatened to shut down the social media platform after Twitter issued a fact-checking warning on some messages.

In a tweet on Wednesday, he said: ‘Republicans feel that social media platforms are completely silencing conservative voices. We will strictly regulate or shut them down before this happens to us. We saw that. They made such an attempt in 2016 as well and failed.

Twitter has long been criticized for allowing the US president to spread conspiracy theories even though its policies call for curbing the spread of misinformation.

But on Tuesday, for the first time, fact-checking tags were seen on some of the US President’s tweets.

Donald Trump said in tweets, without evidence, that voting by mail would be fraudulent and a ‘rigged election’.

Twitter provided a link below Trump’s tweets that read ‘Get the facts about mail-in ballots’ and users had to flag the claims as false and cited media reports.

Donald Trump in his response rejected this notice calling Twitter biased.

The US President said that ‘Twitter is now interfering in the 2020 presidential election’.

In a Twitter note, he said, “They are misrepresenting my statement that mail-in ballots are paving the way for corruption and fraud, which is based on facts from Khabar, CNN and the Washington Post. ‘.

He said that ‘Twitter is completely stifling freedom of expression and I will not allow it as president’.

It should be noted that there will be a presidential election in the United States in November this year, in which the former vice president of the Democrats, Joe Biden, is competing against Donald Trump.

It should be noted that this month, Twitter announced that labels and warning messages will be added to certain tweets based on misinformation or controversy.

The move is aimed at curbing the spread of misinformation in this social media network and will gradually be applied to other topics as well.

Twitter’s new labels will also provide links to more information so people don’t get confused or misunderstood.

#American #presidents #threat #close #social #media #platforms #main #reason
2024-08-20 20:07:42



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