The American Civil War: The Conflict Between Slavery and Abolitionism

2023-08-19 02:03:18

In the process of the reincorporation of territories as new states of the Union, there were some interests between the states of the North and those of the South regarding slavery, to consider the newly incorporated states as slave or non-slave states.

In 1860 Abraham Lincoln, in a speech in the Senate, postulated the principle of not increasing slavery, stopping its expansion, which was like saying that the future of slavery was destined to disappear from the United States of America. In March 1861 Abraham Lincoln was sworn in as president and in his inaugural speech he declared that the Constitution was the most perfect union and any secession is void. Before Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated in March 1861 as the new president of the United States, the southern states unite to protect the rights of slavery.

In February of the same year, seven southern states, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas, seceded, forming the Confederate States of America, naming Jefferson Davis as president. Outgoing 15th President James Buchanan declared that the South had no right to secede, but he had no power to prevent it.

The southern states were mostly agricultural, requiring a huge amount of cheap labor to attend to the planting and harvesting of tobacco, cotton, and sugar, which required a lot of labor. During the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries until its abolition, it led to the arrival of 20 million Africans from the coast of Senegal and sold as slaves.

The war begins when the Confederate army tries to take some forts in the South held by the Union, the South takes Fort Sumter in April 1861 but shortly following it is rescued by Union troops using great force.

As a result of this fact, four more states become part of the Confederation: Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas and Tennessee. The Texas troops go over to the Confederacy among many other forts in the South. The representatives of the South in the Senate and in the House of Representatives, leave their seats in the same, but it allows the approval of a set of laws that the southerners had rejected, such as the construction of the railroad, the protection of the iron industry, the development of the national currency and the use of bank notes, the tax law to finance the war and the donation of 160 acres of land to all free citizens who request it outside the territory of the 13 colonies.

The Confederate states were: Virginia; North Carolina; South Carolina; Georgia; Arkansas; Tennessee; Florida; Alabama; Mississippi; Louisiana and Texas.

The capital of the confederation is located in Richmond, Virginia, the eleven states are below the Mason & Dixon line, they are not part of the Confederation, despite being below the line, Maryland and the District of Columbia (it was the capital of the Union).

It was a war between two very different concepts of life:

-First, on the one hand, the slave states and the abolitionists.

-Second, on the other hand, from the economic point of view: The industrial, manufacturing, metallurgical, workers’ North. The South of agricultural economy, cotton, sugar and tobacco, with slaves.

-Third, the gentlemen of the South, had organized their lives in large mansions and lavish parties, with slaves. The North was different, free people to carve out a future in the expansion to the newly incorporated states.

(To be continue). @mundiario

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