The Ambiguous Horizon for Kang in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

During the Marvel Studios panel at San Diego Comic-Con it has been announced That Robert Downey Jr. will interpret Victor Von Doom alias Doctor Doom in the next two Avengers films, titled Avengers: Doomsday (in theaters from May 2026) and Avengers: Secret Wars (in theaters from May 2027), both directed by the Russo brothers.

Destination replaces Kang the Conqueror as a major villain of the Avengers after the conviction of his interpreter, Jonathan Majors, charged with assault and domestic violence. But are there any chances of seeing Kang again in the future, obviously played by another actor?

After all, according to some rumors, Marvel met with some actors after Majors’ firing to propose them the role of Kang.

Despite this, according to insider Alex P. of The Cosmic Circus, a return of the conqueror is highly unlikely.

To the question “Will we see Kang again? Maybe as Arcanum?“, the insider explained:

At the moment, it is highly unlikely.

At the moment there is no confirmation on this matter, but the debut of Doctor Doom leaves very little room for Kang in the MCU macro plot.

Not surprisingly, according to other rumors, the studios will never mention him again and will not give any further explanations for his absence.

We can find the narrative justification behind the disappearance of Kang in the finale of the second season of Lokiwhen it is revealed that the TVA is closely monitoring all Kang variants in the Multiverse.


Kang ‌actor

Table of Contents

The Uncertain Future of Kang the‍ Conqueror in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)⁤ has ​recently undergone a significant shake-up with the announcement of Robert ‍Downey Jr. as Victor Von Doom, ‌also known ⁣as Doctor Doom,‌ in the upcoming Avengers films, ⁣Avengers: Doomsday and Avengers: Secret ⁢Wars. This development comes‌ on the heels of Jonathan Majors’ conviction, which led to his ​removal as Kang ‌the⁢ Conqueror, a major villain in the ⁤Avengers franchise.

Who is ‌Kang the Conqueror?

In the‍ comics, Kang​ the ​Conqueror⁤ is a‍ time-traveling enemy of the Avengers and the ruler of Chronopolis, a‌ future era [[1]].​ He commands‌ a vast armada of ⁢warriors from across the⁣ galaxy,⁣ armed with advanced​ weaponry, and uses numerous robots to aid him in battle [[2]]. ⁤Kang’s complex history and powers ​make him⁣ a formidable ⁣foe, but his future in the⁢ MCU remains uncertain.

The Possibility of Kang’s ​Return

Rumors suggest that Marvel met ⁤with several⁣ actors to propose the role of ‌Kang after⁣ Majors’ firing, sparking hope that the character might return in the future.‌ However, according to insider Alex P. ⁢of⁤ The Cosmic Circus, a return of⁢ Kang is highly unlikely at this point.

What About ⁣Arcanum?

Fans have ‌been wondering if Kang⁤ could return​ as Arcanum, an alternate version of the character. However, Alex P.’s response to‍ this question was‍ unequivocal: “At⁢ the moment, it⁤ is highly unlikely” [[4]]. While ​there is ​no confirmation on this matter, it seems⁣ that Marvel is not currently planning to resurrect Kang in any ⁣form.

The Backstory of Kang the⁤ Conqueror

In the comics, Kang’s origins are complex⁤ and multifaceted. Nathaniel ​Richards, a 16-year-old version of Kang, ​tried to prevent his transformation into ‍the villainous Kang the Conqueror with the help of ‍his future self [[3]]. This intricate backstory could ‍provide rich material for ⁣a⁢ future ⁤adaptation, but it remains to be seen if Marvel will ⁢revisit Kang in ⁣the future.


The MCU’s sudden shift in focus from Kang the Conqueror ‍to Doctor Doom has left fans wondering about the‌ fate of the ⁣character. While rumors ‍of‍ a recasting or alternate version of⁤ Kang persist, insider⁢ information suggests that his return is unlikely.‍ As ​the Marvel Cinematic Universe‌ continues to evolve, ​only time will ⁤tell if Kang the Conqueror will make a comeback or remain a footnote in the franchise’s history.

Note: The article is ‍optimized‍ for SEO with relevant keywords and phrases, including⁢ “Kang ​the Conqueror,” “Marvel ​Cinematic Universe,” “Avengers,” “Doctor Doom,”⁢ and “Robert Downey Jr.”

Kang actor

The Uncertain Future of Kang the Conqueror in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has recently undergone a significant shake-up with the announcement of Robert Downey Jr. as Victor Von Doom, also known as Doctor Doom, in the upcoming Avengers films, Avengers: Doomsday and Avengers: Secret Wars. This development comes on the heels of Jonathan Majors’ conviction, which led to his removal as Kang the Conqueror, a major villain in the Avengers franchise.

Who is Kang the Conqueror?

In the comics, Kang the Conqueror is a time-traveling enemy of the Avengers and the ruler of Chronopolis, a future era [[1]]. He commands a vast armada of warriors from across the galaxy, armed with advanced weaponry, and uses numerous robots to aid him in battle [[2]]. Kang’s complex history and powers make him a formidable foe, but his future in the MCU remains uncertain.

The Possibility of Kang’s Return

Rumors suggest that Marvel met with several actors to propose the role of Kang after Majors’ firing, sparking hope that the character might return in the future. However, according to insider Alex P. of The Cosmic Circus, a return of Kang is highly unlikely at this point.

What About Arcanum?

Fans have been wondering if Kang could return as Arcanum, an alternate version of the character. However, Alex P.’s response to this question was unequivocal: “At the



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