the allusion to Falcone and the end of his boss –

Luigi Bisignani

Dear Director, the man who knew too much. While the Easter lamb is being served on our tables, a scapegoat is appearing in the “Affaire Striano”. Starting from two tragic deaths, one suicide, the other murdered, the last disturbing pieces of the disconcerting story involving Pasquale Striano, the lieutenant of the Guardia di Finanza with a “hunting license” via SOS Reports of suspicious operations, are revealed. It was he who, once discovered, boasted of having “downloaded” many more than the over thirty-three thousand accesses – including ministers, VIPs and the Vatican – that are contested once morest him. An overflowing Pandora’s box which now risks overwhelming the Palaces of power (generals, 007, magistrates) and on which the prosecutor of Perugia, Raffaele Cantone, is trying to shed light. All born from the courageous exposition of Guido Crosetto which started the “dossieraggi” investigation. And it is possible that the case of the strange suicide of a financier, which occurred in April 2016 and at the time hastily closed by the Rome Prosecutor’s Office, will also be reopened, regarding which the deceased’s family have never resigned themselves to knowing the truth. This concerns the death of Lieutenant Colonel Omar Pace, 47 years old.

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For a long time he was Pasquale Striano’s boss, they worked side by side to sift through that “monster” mass of information that arrived at their office from the Bank of Italy – which is rarely talked regarding – and from the other data collection “centres” . The day following the suicide, the officer was supposed to testify at the trial in Reggio Calabria of the former Interior Minister Claudio Scajola and the former Forza Italia MP Amedeo Matacena, the latter later died on the run in Dubai in September 2022 – The investigations report that Pace shot himself with his service pistol in his Dia office at Polo Anagnina. The investigation established that the suicide was due to personal reasons linked to family dramas: the death of his sister, seriously ill, a year earlier and that of his father, which had occurred even five years earlier – so it was archived. The financier’s widow, Barbara Basciano, never believed in suicide, also because her husband had gone to buy the dress for his son’s confirmation in the previous days and had even booked a holiday. Furthermore, the lady said that while she was being informed of her husband’s death, twenty people in plain clothes rushed into the house to take away the deceased’s personal effects, computers and telephones. The note left by her husband saying “I have always loved you, think of the children”, never convinced her. Of her personal items, however, only her wedding ring and a watch were returned to her, which were also closed in a blood-stained plastic bag.

Lady Vaticano: I am in the Striano and De Raho dossiers.  Who wanted to discredit the Pope

It is probable that Pace’s death was a cause of great torment for Striano and this would justify his particular activism in the Silf union, especially regarding the mental health of finance agents. The human and professional bond was strong, having both experienced with great disturbance the objections that came to them from Giac obbe Fois, known as Bobbo. Both accused the two soldiers of the often excessive use of the SOS in relations with the judiciary.
Years later, Striano himself, in the interview given to Giuseppe Pecoraro of the program “Le Iene”, speaks convinced of the need for exchanges between prosecutors to spread information. And here, perhaps without even realizing it, the confirmation of the “familiarity” on the subject emerges, in fact, to the journalist’s observation: «When Falcone invented it it wasn’t this», Striano replies succinctly: «I know , in fact for the “Le Iene” one, the lieutenant of the Fiamme Gialle delivers yet another variation on his role in the affair and even jokes regarding his interference with the singer Fedez, stating nonchalantly: «I don’t remember Fedez, it must have been a curiosity of mine ». Above all, however, he tries to “exonerate” – as he had not done in previous statements – his direct superiors, the co-investigated magistrate Antonio Laudati and the national anti-mafia prosecutor, Federico Cafiero de Raho, now a contested Grillino member of the Anti-Mafia parliamentary commission chaired by Antonella Colosimo, very loyal to Prime Minister Meloni.

Lady Vatican reopens the Becciu case: My suspicions on Striano and De Raho

Colosimo has so far made a stand in not wanting to question Striano in the Commission in deference to the judiciary and perhaps also to Palazzo Chigi which is unusually silent on this matter, but now following the interview it will only be able to comply with the requests coming from the commissioners to perhaps audit him in a secret session. They will feel good. Today Striano, barring second thoughts, tries to limit the facts concerning him to a mere exchange of information with some investigative journalists and says verbatim: «The most important inputs came to me from outside». It is natural to ask “outside”… from whom? And, on this point, the answer is disarming: «From my journalist friend and colleague». If one hopes that the latter were authorized by someone, the former certainly were not. The fact is that the financier’s new defensive strategy towards his pension is to be accused only of the crime referred to in the art. 615 ter of the Criminal Code «Abusive access to a computer or telematic system» which provides for a sentence of 1 to 5 years in prison for a public official. In this way he would be able not to reveal who his “injurers” are. However, from Perugia it seems that the circle is now closing. With this reductive attitude towards his activity, it is essential for Striano to try to avoid a serious criminal charge or “political espionage”, as well as belonging to a criminal association aimed at “political espionage”, a crime contemplated and punished by articles 257 and 258 of the penal code with penalties of not less than 10 years of imprisonment. The lieutenant perhaps would have done well to reply with a nice “Sir”.

#allusion #Falcone #boss #Tempo
2024-04-02 15:23:22



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