“The allegations of Kasselakis’ false affiliations are based on evidence”

“The allegations of Kasselakis’ false affiliations are based on evidence”

He detailed:

I am addressing you, our elected delegates, who know that the conference starts in just a few hours and yet you have not received your credentials, not even an SMS, while they are sending to others. This is an organized plan. They want you to be notified at the last minute, either that you’re a delegate so you don’t have time to come, or that you’ve been cut off so you don’t have time to react.

Some “chosen” have been informed of them and are ready. You have the bad luck of being outcasts, second-class delegates. Because you are quite simply supporting my candidacy, the candidacy of a man who will do everything to block her.

I ask that you all be legally elected delegates in the conference area. Cool, sober, winners. There are more of you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the trouble you will take, I am grateful.

And I know I’m not the reason, I’m the cause. The reason you come is to defend the Republic. Tomorrow at the conference, the Republic returns to SYRIZA.

PG SYRIZA: “The complaints about Kasselakis’ false connections are based on facts” – The Polakis complaint

Pavlos Polakis submitted evidence of Stefanos Kasselakis’ untrue “whereabouts” to the Political Secretariat of SYRIZA – who also requested the extraordinary convening of the body.

The Political Secretariat of SYRIZA issued a statement on the complaints of Pavlos Polakis, stressing that there will be no tolerance for illegal actions, wherever they come from.

“Today, the PG received knowledge from the transparency sector of very serious complaints based on clear and concrete evidence for a false declaration of nothing to do with the Parliament and the SYRIZA PS by the former President St. Kasselakis.

SYRIZA PS will unwaveringly continue to defend transparency and the public interest and will show no tolerance for illegal actions wherever they come from, without party discrimination.”

The complaint against Polakis for false claims by Kasselakis

Based on the Pothen Esches for 2023 published on the SYRIZA page, it seems that S.K. he has declared only a part of his financial interests and property.

The Declaration was submitted on 30/06/2024 and became known on 8/10/2024 on the occasion of the presidential elections. It would therefore not have been possible to cross-reference earlier what he had verbally asserted or denied from time to time in relation to his activities and companies without a factual basis. But, in the end, the “omissions” found in his Declaration may partially explain his irrational (or perhaps phobic?) reactions to the publication of the Presidential Candidates’ No-Records.

From the data so far, it appears that Stefanos Kasselakis is falsely declaring or avoiding to declare… adequately the assets and companies he is associated with in the 2023 IRS, knowingly wanting to bypass the following CLEAR PREDICTIONS of NEVER EFFECTIVE:

The original D.P.K. must include the existing assets of the obligee and his minor children in the country and abroad on the date of acquisition of status or assumption of service in the case of tenure, their acquisition value, if it can be documented, and the method of acquisition.
In case of acquisition and loss of any real right on the same property, WITHIN THE YEAR to which the declaration relates, both changes are declared. The same applies respectively to vehicles, watercraft and aerial vehicles, as well as to PARTICIPATIONS IN EACH TYPE OF COMPANY.
3.Participation in the administration of all kinds of legal persons and companies, associations of persons and non-governmental organizations (eg brand name, VAT number and company activities).

FIRST: The SC does NOT declare “holdings in any type of company” and any changes thereof within 2023.

In the 2023 Financial Statements, he only states OSIOS LLC (formerly known as ANDOVER LLC) as his only participation in “any kind” of company abroad, without declaring its tax information and value. All it says is that “OSIOS held a 0.4% stake in US-based Tiptree Marine LLC”. HOWEVER:
WHEREAS OSIOS LLC still owns Tiptree Marine (it did not disappear from the planet, nor did it close in 2023) and
THEREFORE, SK OWNS through this sole proprietorship OSIOS LLC BOTH Tiptree Marine AND Tiptree Marine’s US and foreign subsidiaries and controlled entities, without declaring it, WHILE HE HAS AN OBLIGATION. These are 15-20 companies that he does not even mention (see below), while he has publicly admitted that he receives dividends from them.

SECOND: SK falsely declares for 2023 as his only participation in the management of “all kinds of legal entities and companies” only that in the management of Tiptree Marine as CEO, while it is a given that:

“During his employment at Tiptree, between January 18, 2018 and March 13, 2023, SK served as CEO of EVERY SUBSIDIARY that existed in Tiptree Marine—ie dry cargo, tankers, lobstermen, financial risk management, vehicles special purpose and other entities”. He says this verbatim in a document he filed on July 3, 2024 in the New York Supreme Court in his lawsuit against Tiptree (CASE 653395/2024, DOC. 1).

In fact, he says he held, among others, the following positions in the management of Tiptree Marine subsidiaries, until MARCH 2023:

From 2018:
Managing Director of Tiptree Marine,
CEO of SwiftBulk Holdings Co. Ltd.,
CEO of SwiftBulk LLC,
CEO of Swift Marine LLC,

From 2019:
CEO of SwiftBulk RM,
CEO of SwiftTankers Holding Co. Ltd.,
CEO of SwiftTankers LLC.
From 2020:
CEO of TM Lobstering LLC.

From 2022:
CEO of Tiptree Marine Holdings LLC.

In addition, as CEO of “special purpose vehicles” and “other entities” apparently SK also means all those that were – and some continue to be – offshore companies based in the Marshall Islands, such as: Tiptree Marine Holdings LLC (965422/2021) and Swiftbulk LLC (964132/2018), together with the 5 Special Purpose Vessel Companies (single vessel purpose) managed.

At the same time, SK was, since 2014, vice president of the (family) business Philadelphia Coatings Inc., in which Tiptree Marine also became a shareholder in 2018, in which SK served as CEO, while also founding Philadelphia Coatings LLC in Delaware and branches in other areas (“He further aligned himself with Tiptree by agreeing to make Tiptree Marine a shareholder in Philadelphia Coatings”). This condition STILL existed in 2023.

Why, then, did he not declare to Pothen Esches how many of the above management positions he held within the year 2023 and the dates of any changes thereof, giving the name, tax information and activities of the companies, as he had the obligation?

TRITON: In addition to Philadelphia Coatings, SK completely fails to declare two more companies directly related to him in the registers, active in 2023 and still in existence.
This is CVFromGreece, founded in 2013 in New York, which also has an obligation to declare (give name, tax information, activity, etc.) as well as WhimsyWoods LLC, which appears to have been founded in 2023 in Delaware and has publicly admitted the relationship her with his vacation home in the US.

FOURTH: The comment on Pothen Esshes that he ported OSIOS “later”.

The general and unsubstantiated comment he makes in a statement regarding the year 2023 in relation to the company OSIOS LLC, where he simply states that: “which was later transferred”, makes absolutely NO sense. The SC must state clearly and precisely:
-when exactly did you transfer it,
-to whom did he transfer it and
-at what price?

And, if it is finally true that he has now been alienated from the OSIOS company, he should also answer as what and with what legal interest he himself appears in the lawsuits and financial claims of OSIOS by Tiptree and not its new owner.

What does the Kasselaki side answer?

“He referred either to inactive companies from which Stefanos Kasselakis has left long before assuming the presidency of SYRIZA, or even to “CV From Greece” which he considered reprehensible, even though it was the electronic platform that St. Kasselakis had created it in 2013 to help – for free, of course – Greeks in preparing their resumes in order to receive scholarships or find work abroad.

Instead of Comrade Pavlos dealing with the current scandals of the government of Kyriakos Mitsotakis or even with the “scandal” of not drawing up the list of congresses less than 24 hours before its start, he spews fake news showing his anger.

He said that he wants to face Stefanos Kasselakis at the ballot box and yet he is the first to run to achieve his exclusion, in the name of those who demanded his “complete deletion” from SYRIZA-PS.

And since Comrade Pavlos likes popular sayings, let’s remember the phrase “the first honor the first”.

Meanwhile, just a day before the Extraordinary Congress the “war” in SYRIZA rages, with the former president of the party Stefanos Kasselakis to insist on the call of protest outside the Conference area. The body of delegates is expected to move according to information, between 3 and 3.5 thousand.

Another episode of tension took place between the former president and majority officials, in a chance meeting on Thursday (7/11) in Pagrati.

At the same time, the other candidate Nicholas Farandouris criticized his opponent Socrates Famellofor the ongoing front against Stefanos Kasselakis.

Stefanos Kasselakis is now photographed by Political Secretariat of the party that met yesterday, as “opponent” and “opponent” of the Left, as in a statement issued by the Body after a stormy meeting, a passage from a television interview of the former president is commented on with the reference that, “counter-gatherings, as announced today with public statements, belong, as methods, to opponents and opponents of the Left. They will not achieve their goal. SYRIZA-PS will protect both the democratic processes and its members and, above all, its history and future”.

For his part, the ex in his morning radio interview, the president calls on the party not to cut delegates, in order to alter the composition of the body, and emphasizes that it is a shame that five days after the election process, delegates have not been declared. He invites the party to proceed with the proclamation of all the elected delegates and to release not only the minutes of the organizations’ election committees but also the lease agreement for the venue where the conference will be held, hinting at possible connections with the businessman of the Gazi entertainment complex.

In the same interview Stefanos Kasselakis talks about a “peaceful protest” outside the venue emphasizing that the asserting rights is not dangerous in a Republic.

However, the party, through the Political Secretariat, emphasizes that the control of the proper observance of the electoral conditions and procedures by the Legalization Committee is necessary, it is done before each congress, while the reports of exclusions are fraudulent.

Hatzidakis: New bill for the Stock Exchange

Putin in the first speech after the election of Trump: A new world order is being formed

Georgia Meloni: I’m not well, but I don’t have special union rights and I’m working

Messolonghi: A 17-year-old was arrested for setting fire to a Traffic police car

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#allegations #Kasselakis #false #affiliations #based #evidence
It appears that the⁣ code snippet you provided is a​ fragment of JavaScript ⁤used for managing​ various advertising scripts and⁢ integrations on a web page. The script handles the loading⁢ of ⁣ads ​from⁢ different providers, ‍such as ​Google‌ AdSense, OneSignal, Disqus, and potentially others like Taboola and Phaistos Adman.

Here’s a‌ breakdown​ of what the ⁣highlighted sections do‌ and some suggestions for improvement or completion:

### Main ⁢Components of ⁤the Code:

1. **Adsense⁣ Removal**:

⁣‍ – The code checks for `.adsense-for-mobile` elements and removes their children‌ with ⁢class ⁤`.adsbygoogle`. This is⁤ likely an ​attempt ⁤to ‍prevent displaying certain ads​ under specific ‌conditions, possibly related to user device or screen size.

2. **AdSense Initialization**:

– It collects all `.adsbygoogle` elements to ⁣count them and presumably load AdSense scripts.

3.‍ **OneSignal**:

– This initializes the OneSignal push​ notification service with a specific app ID.

4. **Disqus**:

– A ‍configuration for Disqus comment system ​which​ initializes script loading with a specified page URL and identifier, but the URL ⁢seems to be ‌incomplete.

5.⁤ **Loading external scripts**:

– Several `asyncLoadScript` function calls are commented out, and it appears they should load ‍necessary scripts asynchronously from various ad​ networks ‍or ⁣third-party services.

6. **Timeouts**:

– The implementation⁢ uses ​`setTimeout` to ​delay ⁣script loading for certain services (like Glomex and Dalecta). This ‍could be tactical to improve performance by staggering loads.

7. **Incomplete Sections**:

– Many async​ script loading⁤ calls are ​incomplete, as they appear to end abruptly or have placeholder strings.

### Suggestions for Improvement:

1.⁤ **Completion of URLs and ​Identifiers**:​

​- Ensure that the URLs for⁣ script loading (indicated ​by‍ placeholders like ‌`asyncLoadScript(‘`) and Disqus `this.page.url` are fully defined to ensure the scripts load correctly.

2. **Consolidate Code for Clarity**:

​ – Consider creating​ a standardized ⁣structure for your asynchronous loading to avoid ​repetition and improve maintainability. For example,‍ using a‍ generator function for⁢ loading scripts based on parameters might be beneficial.

3. **Error Handling**:

-⁣ Implement error handling within the script loading mechanism to ‌account for failed loads gracefully. This can help ⁢in debugging issues in production.

4. **Performance Optimization**:

​- Evaluate​ the ‌performance impact of loading⁤ multiple ads and ‍scripts. Tools like Google Lighthouse can help in ⁤identifying performance bottlenecks related to ads.

5. **Commenting and Documentation**:

-⁤ Add clear comments throughout your code to explain what ‌each section ‌is intended to do. This would help future developers (or your future self) understand ⁤the logic at ‍a ‍glance.

### Example of‍ a⁢ Script Loading Function

Here’s an example⁤ of how you might ‍structure an `asyncLoadScript` function, assuming it is meant for loading ‍scripts asynchronously:


function asyncLoadScript(src, callback)⁣ {

‍ ⁢var script‌ = document.createElement(‘script’);

script.type ​= ‘text/javascript’;

script.src = src;

script.async =​ true;

script.onload = function() {

⁢ if (callback) callback();

⁤ };

var ⁢head = document.getElementsByTagName(‘head’)[0];

⁢ head.appendChild(script);



Then ‌you could⁣ replace your commented calls with something like:


asyncLoadScript(‘https://example.com/script.js’, function() {

console.log(‘Script loaded ⁤successfully!’);



Ensure to ​replace `’https://example.com/script.js’` with the actual⁤ path to the script you want to‍ load.

By following these suggestions, you can enhance the efficiency, readability, and maintainability of‌ your code.

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