The age of low tech (Le Seuil “Anthropocène”, 2014)

2024-01-14 23:00:00
Page 3 to 6: Start pages | Page 9 to 19: Philippe Bihouix – Prologue. The crazy waltz of the shrimps | Page 23 to 107: Philippe Bihouix – Act I. Rise and fall of the “thaumaturgical engineers” | Page 111 to 168: Philippe Bihouix – Act II. Low-Tech Principles | Page 171 to 264: Philippe Bihouix – Act III. Daily life in low-tech times | Page 267 to 314: Philippe Bihouix – Act IV. Is “transition” possible? | Page 317 to 323: Philippe Bihouix – Epilogue. A dream if ever there was one | Page 325: Philippe Bihouix – Acknowledgments | Page 327 to 330: Notes | Page 331: Credits | Page 333 to 336: End pages.
#age #tech #Seuil #Anthropocène

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