“The Age Factor: Examining the Impact of Age on the 2024 US Presidential Elections”

2023-05-24 08:52:30

In a rare event, it seems that age will be a major pillar in the campaigns for the US presidential elections scheduled for 2024, the age of the two most prominent candidates so far, current President Joe Biden, is 80 years old, and his rival, former President Donald Trump, is 76 years old.

A member of the US Democratic Party, to which Biden belongs, talks to “Sky News Arabia” about concerns within the party’s corridors about Biden’s re-candidacy, as a result of his “deteriorating health condition.”

The debate rises in the United States about Biden’s age, whenever he makes a statement showing his poor memory or falls to the ground stumbling, as happened a few days ago at the G7 summit in Japan.

The greatest American president

In the words of a member of the Democratic Party, Mahdi Afifi, Biden’s health has deteriorated recently, and therefore there is concern about the possibility of him “failing to perform his duties.”

If Biden wins the 2024 elections, he will be the oldest president in US history, Afifi explains.

In response to what is said that the United States is a “state of institutions,” and is not greatly affected by the president’s condition, Afifi replies that it is a country of institutions, “but the presidential decision affects many of these institutions.”

What if Biden “falls” during the second term

Concerns about Biden’s life extend to him being exposed to death or falling ill to the extent that he is unable to perform his duties.

Afifi reveals an undeclared concern within the party that “Biden will fall during his rule”; Which will affect the United States and the whole world.

This is due to the fact that if this happens, “financial markets and the global economy will be affected, and the position of the United States in the world will be shaken.”

Paradox between Trump and Biden

Despite their similar age, Biden’s age was the subject of ridicule from Trump during their first competition for the presidency in 2020.

At that time, Trump published a fabricated picture of Biden in a wheelchair among a group of elderly people in a retirement home, with a comment indicating that Biden needs to retire and not serve as president.

Currently, Trump is 76 years old, while Biden is 80 years old, and both are among the oldest presidents the United States has ever seen.

Biden and Hillary comment

Recently, Hillary Clinton, the former US Secretary of State and the Democratic presidential candidate, entered Trump in the 2016 elections, on the line of commenting on Biden’s age, saying that voters have the right to worry.

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At a conference in Washington, Hillary commented on Biden’s stumble during the G7 summit in Japan: “His age is a problem, and the people have every right to be concerned about it.”

Hillary, now 76, was 70 when she ran for president.

However, Hillary hoped that the US president would remain very focused and competitive in the elections because she believed he could be re-elected.

On the other hand, Biden considers his old age to be an advantage rather than a defect, saying in statements to MSNBC at the end of April: “I have gained a great deal of wisdom and know more than the vast majority of people.”

Biden, a Democrat who will be 86 at the end of a second term, added: “I’m more experienced than anyone who’s ever run for office (presidential). And I think I’ve proven that I’ve been honorable and competent as well.”

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