The Africa Digital Summit, March 2 and 3 in Casablanca

The 5th edition of the Africa Digital Summit (ADS) will be held on March 2 and 3 in Casablanca, announced on Thursday the Groupement des Annonceurs du Maroc (GAM), promoter of the event, during a conference of press.

This meeting entirely dedicated to Digital is mainly aimed at actors and decision-makers in the marketing, communication, digital and media professions, as well as managers of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) aware of the evolution of the sector. in Morocco and in African countries.

This exceptional edition, which returns after two years of absence, carries the ambition to support companies in the challenges of digital, anticipate future developments, and identify the best solutions, within the framework of a memorable experience in terms of meetings and networking. The ADS also aims to mobilize decision-makers in digital-related professions, to promote Morocco and to promote the attractiveness of its Label to the international marketing community, which will be represented at the event by 2,000 participants from around thirty countries.

The ADS will be marked by the trophies of the Moroccan Digital Awards 2023 which will reward in each of its 7 categories, three advertisers or brands that stand out in the digital field. This award aims to strengthen competitiveness in the digital market and promote excellence in practices. During this summit, the “Digital Trends Morocco 2022” study will also be presented, carried out in partnership with the firm IPSOS, which specializes in studies and opinion polls, which will serve the member of the digital ecosystem as an annual barometer. to detect trends and inform on the evolution of the sector.

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