The Afip seized 1,900 bottles of high-end wine for a million dollar tax evasion

The Federal Administration of Public Revenues (Afip) interdicted 1,878 bottles of premium wine and intervened another 308 bottles worth more than $11 million, upon detecting irregularities in the merchandise marketing chain and lack of documentation.

The operation was carried out on the border that joins the missionary city of Bernard of Irigoyen and the Brazilian towns of Dionisio Cerqueira y Barracao. The inspection tasks were carried out jointly with the Federal Revenue of Brazil, officials from the National Institute of Viticulture (INV) and the Argentine Federal Police.

Los controls were carried out on 11 businesses, logistics and distribution companies which represent 30% of taxpayers authorized to buy and sell wines in an area that has around 40 stores in the field.

Only during the last year, in said zborder region, operations worth $2.5 billion were completed, a figure that caught the attention of the AFIP as it was not correlated with the real levels of consumption in the area and the declared export volumes. This led to the assumption that it is a maneuver aimed at the illegal trade of merchandise to the towns of Brazil.

As a result of the operation, 3 acts of non-compliance with the Wine Law 14878 were drawn up.s, merchandise of different items was seized for an amount close to $28 million and 6 certificates were issued for customs and tax violations.

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