The AfD is well positioned in party polls before state elections in Germany

The AfD gets a support of 30 percent in both states, according to the survey carried out by the Research Group Wahlen for the broadcaster ZDF.

In Saxony, state minister Michael Kretschmer’s bourgeois CDU party barely leads with 33 percent, but that is within the margin of error of 3 percentage points.

In Thuringia, AfD’s support of 30 percent is far above the other parties. AfD’s party leader in Thuringia, Björn Höcke, is well known for his controversial statements. He has twice been convicted of using an illegal Nazi slogan in speeches.

Intelligence groups in both states have classified the AfD as a far-right group.

The governing parties are in a bad position

According to the surveys, the three governing parties are headed for deplorable results in the upcoming election.

Prime Minister Olaf Scholz’s social democratic party SPD received a support of only 7 percent in Saxony and 6 percent in Thuringia – dangerously close to the barrier of 5 percent.

The Greens are below the threshold (4 per cent) in Thuringia, and just above in Saxony (6 per cent).

The liberal party FDP seems to have so little support in the two states that it has been put in the “other parties” category.

– Can be an “uncomfortable” collaboration

In Thuringia, it can be particularly difficult to form a state government.

Today, Bodo Ramelow from the left-wing party Die Linke is state minister in a minority government, with the CDU as the supporting party. But voters have fled after Sahra Wagenknecht left Die Linke in 2023 and formed the new, populist party Forbundet Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW).

BSW comes in third place in the survey with a support of 17 percent. Die Linke will have to settle for the place behind with 14 percent. This is a sharp decline from the 2019 election, when the party received 31 percent of the vote.

Almost all parties have refused to cooperate with the AfD, and a coalition between the CDU, SPD and BSW could thus become an uncomfortable but necessary solution, according to the news agency DPA.

The survey was carried out via telephone interviews between 19 and 22 August. 1,028 voters in Saxony and 1,071 voters in Thuringia participated.

#AfD #positioned #party #polls #state #elections #Germany
2024-08-24 17:18:59



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