The actual combat between Russia and Ukraine highlights the gap between the top three military forces in the world: intelligence articles | Ukraine |

【The Epoch Times, April 3, 2022】WorldmilitaryNumber Two Russian InvasionUkrainemore than a month later, the outside world hasactual combatThe performance in should be more surprising, seems to be in line with the worldmilitaryThe second title does not match.The 22nd largest military in the worldUkraine, With the help of the U.S. military, which ranks first in the world’s military, it caused a lot of damage to the Russian army, forcing Russia to change its combat goals. The CCP’s military, which ranks third in the world’s military, has also seen a significant gap in desperation.

The Russian-Ukrainian war has not ended yet, but the gap between the top three military forces in the world has been widened again and again. The U.S. military is unmatched, and no one can match it; the Russian and Chinese military should remain in the top three for the time being, but their comprehensive military strength is hard to match the U.S. military; the current top ten countries in military power may be more confident to compete with the Chinese and Russian militaries Break your wrists.

Russian army inactual combatgaps have been exposed in theinformation, long-range precision strikes, air combat and air strikes, joint operations, non-commissioned officers tactical literacy, supplies, overall planning, organization and command, etc. Countries other than the top three in the world’s military power ranking should surpass China and Russia in some aspects.

More than 2,500 years ago, China’s “Art of War” emphasized the importance of intelligence and asserted:know each otherIn a hundred battles, you will not be imperiled; if you do not know the enemy but know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know the enemy but do not know yourself, you will be imperiled in every battle.

1. The U.S. military has achieved a decisive victory thousands of miles away

Before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the U.S. military knew the deployment of the Russian military well and could even predict the approximate date of the Russian attack. After the war, the Ukrainian army’s calm response proved that the Russian army’s combat plan had already been mastered, and the Ukrainian army had made targeted deployments in advance and used ambush tactics maturely. The U.S. military should have continuously provided accurate intelligence, so that the Ukrainian military knew itself and the enemy, preserved its strength, and organized effective resistance.

The U.S. military’s satellite reconnaissance capabilities are second to none in the world; the U.S. military’s reconnaissance planes stationed in Eastern Europe should be of great use, and they can monitor the dynamics of the battlefield without entering Ukraine; the U.S. military’s intelligence personnel in Russia should be able to detect the Russian military secrecy; U.S. special forces, perhaps as volunteers, have been on the front lines of the Ukrainian battlefield, performing reconnaissance, communication, guidance, and assessment functions.

The U.S. military did not directly intervene in the war, but the Pentagon kept a close eye on the fire; the U.S. military did not openly participate in the war, but had a better understanding of the real war situation, grasped the war situation, and provided valuable key intelligence to White House decision makers.

On February 28, 2022, a satellite image released by the US satellite imaging company Maxar showed that a large convoy of Russian troops approached Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, from the north. (AFP PHOTO/Satellite image © 2022 Maxar Technologies)

2. The Russian army could not find an opponent

The Russian army has been on the Ukrainian border for more than two months, but has never been able to detect the real movement of the Ukrainian army. The large-scale advance of Russian armored forces quickly approached the outskirts of Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, but did not encounter any main force of the Ukrainian army. Until now, after repeated blows to the Russian army, it still does not know where the Ukrainian army is. The Russian army’s missile attacks, air strikes and artillery bombardment have been used more in residential areas because the Ukrainian army has been unable to be found.

Russia borders Ukraine and is also supported by Belarus. Large-scale Russian troops are on the battlefield, but they cannot grasp the intelligence of the Ukrainian army. The Russian army may still not know how the US military helped the Ukrainian army.

The ground troops of the Russian army lacked intelligence, but the vanguard troops rushed into Ukraine. As a result, they suffered repeated ambushes and lost personnel and equipment, which severely damaged the morale of the army.

Russian satellites do not seem to be functioning and may be interfered by the US military; Russian reconnaissance planes are either not dispatched, or lack reconnaissance capabilities; Russia’s cyber attack on Ukraine may have been blocked with the help of the US military; Russian spies and reconnaissance sent to Ukraine Soldiers, more likely to be captured.

3. The Russian army knows neither the enemy nor itself

The Russian army not only does not know the enemy, but also does not know itself to a large extent. The long-term false propaganda, deceit and deceit, and finally mislead the decision makers.

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Russian decision-makers underestimated the Ukrainian army, the support capability of the US military, and even more of its own strength. Russia dispatched about 200,000 troops to attack from multiple fronts at the same time, trying to eat more than half of Ukraine; a month after the war, a lot of military resources were consumed, and Russian policymakers were forced to adjust the combat target.

This shows that the Russian decision-makers are unable to grasp the real situation of the battlefield in time. In this regard, Russia and the CCP are not only unable to compare with the US military, but also have a big gap with many Western countries with open and transparent information. NATO has a relatively accurate assessment of the Ukrainian battlefield, and the United Kingdom also has an independent intelligence system that often discloses some details of the battle.

Russia also did not accurately predict the strong reaction of NATO and Western countries, which shows that Russia’s understanding of the West is not small at the level of larger strategic intelligence.

The Russian-Ukrainian War is adding new battle examples to the “Art of War” written by Sun Tzu 2,500 years ago.

On March 25, 2022, Russian military representatives briefed in Moscow on military operations in Ukraine, only acknowledging the death of 1,351 Russian troops, a far cry from the NATO estimate of at least 7,000 dead.  (Natalia Kolesnikova/AFP via Getty Images)
On March 25, 2022, Russian military representatives briefed in Moscow on military operations in Ukraine, only acknowledging the death of 1,351 Russian troops, a far cry from the NATO estimate of at least 7,000 dead. (Natalia Kolesnikova/AFP via Getty Images)

Fourth, the CCP’s army is still confused

The CCP army should have been watching the battle, but also did not grasp the exact situation of the battle. The CCP may know the general attack direction of the Russian army, but it does not know where the Ukrainian army is, let alone what assistance the US military has provided. Otherwise, the CCP will inform Russia in time.

On the contrary, the CCP should have listened to the information constantly provided by Russia, and did not expect that the Russian military would encounter major troubles. Internal propaganda has always been in favor of Russia and Ukraine. The CCP media has always published battle reports for the Russian army. The CCP leaders did not know in time how much predicament the Russian army was in, and always chose to side with Russia.

The CCP’s military keeps making false claims about how powerful its own military is, and it keeps exaggerating the strength of the Russian military. The CCP army participated in the military competition organized by the Russian military and felt honored after winning the ranking. Now it seems that such competitions are more like a show that is separated from actual combat. The performance of the Russian army in actual combat should also make the Chinese army very frustrated.

There is growing suspicion that China has begged Russia not to go to war during the Beijing Winter Olympics. On March 24, the Chinese Ministry of National Defense had to respond, saying that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and China’s “previous knowledge, acquiescence, connivance and other claims are completely false information.”

If this is true, the CCP doesn’t even know the Russian military’s action plan, and the CCP’s intelligence capabilities may be even worse. The decision-making of CCP leaders should rely heavily on such critical military intelligence, however, the intelligence capabilities of the CCP’s military do not appear to be stronger than those of Russia.


The U.S. military’s intelligence on the Ukrainian battlefield reflects a unique global combat capability. In contrast, the Russian military’s intelligence capabilities are not enough to deal with a regional war.

For the Chinese military, it is difficult to understand the intelligence of the Ukrainian battlefield, so is it able to control the intelligence of the entire Western Pacific? The CCP’s satellites, reconnaissance planes, cyber attacks, and spies are also likely to be unable to compete with the U.S. military.

The actual combat in Ukraine highlights the huge gap in intelligence capabilities among the top three military forces in the world. Although the Russian and Chinese military occupy the second and third positions, they are not on the same level as the US military, which ranks first. (To be continued)

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Responsible editor: Gao Yi

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