The actress’s family of 5 is fully infected with the 3-year-old daughter who has a fever for 3 days and has hallucinations “there is a monster in the room”, she is very distressed | Entertainment | CTWANT

The global epidemic is severe. Hong Kong officials reported 300 new cases on the 1st, which is the lowest number of reported cases in a single day since February 5. However, the number of deaths has increased by 5, so it cannot be ignored. Hong Kong female singer He Jiali’s family of 5 unfortunately all contracted the epidemic. The 3-year-old daughter even had a fever for 3 consecutive days and had hallucinations, which made her feel distressed and stressed as a mother.

He Jiali made her debut for many years and participated in many theatrical performances. She also released the album “Departure” in Taiwan under the stage name He Lien. Now 41 years old, she has 1 child and 2 daughters, and her family life is sweet and happy. Diagnosed.

He Jiali has released an album in Taiwan. (Photo/Retrieved from He Jiali IG)

According to the “East Net” report, when the fifth wave of the epidemic in Hong Kong hit, He Jiali was under pressure to take care of her family, but she mightn’t hold it, “The eldest daughter was the first to get in, and I stuck to the last one, hoping to take good care of her. The family wears masks every day and washes their hands to the point of rot.” She mentioned that the symptoms of her 3-year-old daughter worry her the most, “My daughter has a fever for 3 days and has hallucinations. She will talk in her sleep, saying that she sees a monster in the room, and she sleeps on the bed thinking she is regarding to fall. I was so frightened when I heard it, so I was in danger of being all right.”

He Jiali has 1 son and 2 daughters.  (Photo/Retrieved from He Jiali IG)
He Jiali has 1 son and 2 daughters. (Photo/Retrieved from He Jiali IG)

He Jiali experienced the thrilling half-month of her family’s diagnosis. She felt lost and depressed for a while. She knew that she had to release her emotions and stop digging into the horns. She usually expressed her emotions through painting and clothing, like wearing a bright dress. It can make her relax, and she will also learn deep breathing lessons to remind herself to relax her tension and absorb positive energy. She and her husband exercise every day and maintain a positive attitude even in the face of adversity.



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